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 Locked "info-box" at screen bottom (DONE)
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15 Posts

Posted - 30/03/2011 :  21:34:41  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

there is a feature I would really like to see if possible - frankly it is not a "feature", it is a reduction of functionality:

I would love to have just one single, locked info-box (the one with the digits) instead of being able to scroll through 9 info-box.

Why that? Simple:
I really love the feature of being able to zoom in and out by touching the upper/lower half of the screen - that's great, easy, I can do that even with gloves in (not too) turbulent air, and 4 out of 5 times I "hit" the right section of the screen.
BUT, if I hit the right or left section of the info-box, the info-box changes to the next one (e.g. from NAV to ALT).

As a hang-glider pilot, there are only very few parameters out of the many possible that I'm desperately interested in, e.g. battery level, Required Efficiency to best alternate (Thanks for bringing that feature back for deltas/paragliders!), Distance to next waypoint - mainly "that's it". I use a barographic GPS variometer as primary flight display, the LK8000 is used mainly for navigation purpose (task and outlanding fields).

So what I did is, I configured one of the "free configurable" Info-Boxes (e.g. cruise) to show all the parameters I like to see, and I wish to see that info-box the whole flight. I don't need different info-boxes as a hang-glider pilot.
But now, trying to zoom in and out, I sometimes hit unintentionally the info-box section, causing my prefered configured info-box to vanish for another one, and it's really hard in a hang-glider with gloves and controlling your aircraft by weight-shift to get the device back to my preferred info-box.

So what I'm asking for is simply a functionality that means "force info-box to cruise" or "disable info-box scrolling" (freezing the info-box to the actual one) or something like that.

I'm sure I'm not the only one looking for such a feature, the "lock screen" functionality for the paragliders during start is a different approach but is generally addressing the same area of problems: We (delta and hang-gliders) have difficulties controlling a touch-screen and we can't avoid making false or unwanted "inputs". So reduced functionalities, locked features/screens and clever user-interface (like the "giant" half-screen zoom buttons) are highly desired features.
I understand that this is ridiculous from a gliders pilot point of view, but imagine yourself hanging down from fabric straps in bumpy air and trying to control a 3-4 inch touchscreen device and maintaining aircraft control at the same time, and you get an idea what we are in for...

Thanks for considering,

Edited by - Coolwind on 08/12/2011 23:51:18


8957 Posts

Posted - 30/03/2011 :  23:08:42  Show Profile  Visit Coolwind's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I perfectly understand the problem, and I shall try to solve it in next version.
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15 Posts

Posted - 31/03/2011 :  19:45:42  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
great, thanks for the fast reply
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8957 Posts

Posted - 31/03/2011 :  20:40:41  Show Profile  Visit Coolwind's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I have spent some time during previous months at the Icaro's landfield near lake Maggiore, in Italy, understanding problematics beyond instrumentation and logistic for hanggliders.
Simply, everything must be automatic as much as possible. Now I only need time to study some solution.
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843 Posts

Posted - 31/03/2011 :  21:37:07  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Good idea. Thats pretty much how I use LK too, I dont change much between the bottom bars during flight. I would suggest that there is an option to have only "Cruise", with automatic change to "Thermal" like now (and maybe even automatically to "Final", but thats not supported now?). If one wants to have identical display in Cruise and Thermal mode, that is very easy to configure in LK (copy/paste in System setup).

But please dont make this a new default setting in Para/Delta mode, that will most likely cause problems for some pilots.
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25 Posts

Posted - 11/04/2011 :  19:24:18  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I would like to add another vote for the locked (or semi-locked) info box option. Last year's flying with LK8000 was in ridge lift on my delta glider. Changing info boxes wasn't much of an issue in smooth air and low air traffic volume. However, I just returned from thermally Florida with busy skies (sailplanes and delta gliders) and I quickly realized that minimizing screen touching was essential for safety.
Highest Regards ...::JG
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15 Posts

Posted - 15/04/2011 :  22:47:50  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

is such a feature already implemented in the new 2.2 version?

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8957 Posts

Posted - 15/04/2011 :  22:56:58  Show Profile  Visit Coolwind's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Well NO! The request was made a few days ago, and yesterday we relased the 2.2. Next version was not meant the current under development and delivery.

For paragliders, I think we should adopt a complete different button schemes and configuration starting from 2.3.
So we can have several more features, and take out what is not pertinent to paragliding.

Concerning the bottom bar with several stripes of information, we can simplify it but not complicate it.
So we can remove stripes of informations, permanently, for example.

Maybe we can have only 1 stripe with 5 or 6 values, custom.

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220 Posts

Posted - 08/12/2011 :  18:41:26  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

I fly hang gliders (and flew PGs a little in the past, too), so I can appreciate this issue.

I think you'll like what the developers have done in the current beta version, although it isn't a 100% solution. You can choose exactly which bottom bars you want to be available - with the exception of the thermal bottom bar (TRM0). So you could, for example, disable all bottom bars except AUX9 and configure AUX9 to contain only the data fields you want. Except when circling, you could tap the left and right sides of the bottom bar all you want, and you'll still see only AUX9. Once you start circling, though, the thermal bar (TRM0) appears, and you're able to toggle between AUX9 and TRM0.

Paolo, how about adding TRM0 to the list of bottom bars that can be disabled? That would make it possible for "zero9" to do exactly what he wants.


P.S. - Just after posting this, I thought of a work-around... in case adding a way to disable TRM0 is too difficult or just takes a while to get around to. Since TRM0 is customizable, just set TRM0 to show the exact same fields as the other customizable bottom bar you want to use (CRU7, FIN8, or AUX9). Then disable all bottom bars except the one you customized. Then even when your "main" bottom bar and TRM0 are both available, they'll show the same data, which should be satisfactory, right? (Aha! I see that "bo" had the same idea.) :-)

Edited by - eric.carden on 08/12/2011 18:55:05
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843 Posts

Posted - 08/12/2011 :  18:49:16  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
If you allways want the bottom bar to look the same, you could just configure TRM0 and AUX9 identically, then you would in effect have only one bottom bar.
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8957 Posts

Posted - 08/12/2011 :  20:56:40  Show Profile  Visit Coolwind's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Lemme see if I can do something for thm0
Update: ok now it is configurable like all of BB stripes in config.
Much better in fact, it is reasonable that it is possible to disable it.

Edited by - Coolwind on 14/01/2012 00:56:01
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15 Posts

Posted - 14/01/2012 :  00:11:55  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
that sounds perfect!
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220 Posts

Posted - 03/02/2012 :  21:44:00  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I just finally tested this (in 2.3v), and it doesn't quite work as I think was intended. I see the new setting to allow disabling of TRM0, and I chose it. When I start circling, LK doesn't switch the bottom bar to TRM0, but if I tap the bottom bar (left or right side), TRM0 appears (not disabled).

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8957 Posts

Posted - 03/02/2012 :  22:22:25  Show Profile  Visit Coolwind's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Must have forgotten to check for that case.
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220 Posts

Posted - 16/02/2012 :  19:51:14  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I just checked this out in 3.0a, and it appears to work as intended now. Thanks.

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