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6040 Posts |
Posted - 06/04/2007 : 10:02:31
Inauguro questa nuova sezione con un importante messaggio di Flavio Formosa inviato al listone VV:
La DG ha emesso ieri una nota tecnica riguardante il longherone del DG300, che in un esemplare in riparazione è stato riscontrato ondulato nelle solette di incollaggio all'ala (a causa - pare - del processo costruttivo di ELAN non conforme allo standard richiesto dalla DG). La nota è attualmente in fase di traduzione dal tedesco sul sito della DG, in basso riporto quanto disponibile ad oggi. La DG ha concordato con EASA un "declassamento" dell'aliante senza richiedere un'ispezione obbligatoria, il cui costo sarebbe stato esorbitante (6000 Euro). Le conseguenze per il momento sono:
- VNE ridotta da 270 a 250 km/h - VA ridotta da 200 a 175 km/h - MTOW (peso max. al decollo) ridotto da 525 a 450kg - TUTTE LE MANOVRE ACROBATICHE PROIBITE
Tutti gli altri modelli DG non sono affetti dal problema. Ciao, Flavio
************** from DG website ***************
Main Spar Structural Defekt Summarization / the full Translation is under Construction
During a repair of a DG-300 that had been damaged in a field landing it was discovered that the spar rovings were not even but undulating. This was due to the manufacturing process being changed by Elan a number of years ago without getting approval from Wilhelm Dirks.
Only DG-300s are affected, because in all other types the rovings are moulded into a spar shape separately, not inside the wing.
Now all limiting speeds, water ballast and MTOW have been reduced and aerobatics are banned.
DG did not want to ground all DG-300 or introduce a mandatory inspection because the inspection alone could cost about 6.000 Euros. The destruction test on a wing with the original even rovings showed that the wing failed at a much higher load than needed, but with undulating rovings the margins were not big enough, which is why EASA and DG have decided to limit the speeds and use.
The new limits are:
* Max Speed from 270 km/h to 250 km/h * Maneuvering Speed from 200 km/h to 175 km/h * MTOW from 525 kg to 450 kg * No Aerobatics any longer
Giuliano |
2925 Posts |
Posted - 06/04/2007 : 11:43:42
kAPPE??? BASTA LOOPING TONNEAUX , OTTOCUBANO, FIESLER... e passaggi panza terra a 270... che facevi regolarmente...(in sogno) :-) |
Aquila imperiale
463 Posts |
Posted - 06/04/2007 : 12:18:27
Kappe te l'assicuro che il tuo aliante non l'ho mai "usato"     |
2925 Posts |
Posted - 06/04/2007 : 12:21:47
quote: Originally posted by scheggiafly
Kappe te l'assicuro che il tuo aliante non l'ho mai "usato"    
4917 Posts |
Posted - 06/04/2007 : 14:47:30
Tellu ma le pattuglie acro che facevamo??
Michele Borghi AVL -
Se la prima volta non ti riesce, il paracadutismo non fa per te. [Legge di Murray] |
6040 Posts |
Posted - 07/04/2007 : 03:47:02
Eh già... |
Giuliano |
2095 Posts |
Posted - 08/04/2007 : 08:43:38
quote: Originally posted by AlbertOne
kAPPE??? BASTA LOOPING TONNEAUX , OTTOCUBANO, FIESLER... e passaggi panza terra a 270... che facevi regolarmente...(in sogno) :-), no....neanche in sogno le faccio quelle robe lì! Per vogliono le Schegge impazzite!!!     |

17 Posts |
Posted - 02/02/2008 : 23:16:10
cari amici, leggetevi cosa ho trovato nella web della DG all'indirizzo .
The cost of some Technical Bulletins Usually, Technical Bulletin (TBs) issues are free for aircraft owners. And we want to keep it that way for the majority of the TBs for current aircraft, as far as enhancements or modifications concerning design flaws are concerned. The costs we incur during this process are filed under "product enhancement", and the TBs are made available here for downloading free of charge.
Unfortunately, since the creation of the EASA, we manufacturers and service companies are now faced with a whole host of overheads, which we just cannot bear alone any longer. We have to pass them on somehow.
We pay three registration fees, for example: one for the registration as a manufacturer one for our development activities and one for our service provision, and they are recurring at regular intervals For each aircraft type we support (DG-100, DG-500, LS1, LS3 etc.), we pay an annual fee And for each Technical Bulletin we issue, we pay a fee to EASA. This also applies to older aircraft, which we have never built and which we "only" support as a service to our customers. On the other hand: without this support, these aircraft would lose their type approval and could not be run any longer. As an aside:
What about types of aircraft that are not made any more at all, and for which the original manufacturer or some aviation authority has been providing the support, more as a favour than anything else?
Just think of a Libelle or the likes!
They all incur annual fees, and every TB also costs money.
Fortunately, this does not concern us!
However, we do have to say goodbye to free TBs for all owners all round; there has to be a fair financial contribution towards the costs. The EASA had some "friendly" advice on this subject when we tried to refuse payment for older types and their TBs: "You'll just have sell the TBs!" (In power flying, this has been done for a long time, by the way!)
At this point, we would like to make it very clear that it is not our intention to maximise our profits at our customers' expense. It would never occur to us! However, if you continue to provide services at great cost to yourself without charging your customers, you will inevitably go bankrupt sooner or later, as quite a few in our industry have found. We, on the other hand, intend to react in the right way, at the right time, in order to be able to provide type support for many decades to come! It makes sense, after all.
And what does this mean in practice?
All TBs relating to aircraft which are not being built any more, and which lead to enhancements, or help eliminate faults that have been detected late in time, will be issued in such a way that they only become valid when accompanied by a release certificate from the type support provider (DG) for the aircraft in question. When you contact us to apply for a release certificate, you will have to state the aircraft type, the registration, and, for some TBs, other information as well. These data will be entered on the release certificate.
The first of these TBs is that for retrofitting a transponder. On this subject, we have a story of our own to tell:
We had issued a Service Note describing how to fit a transponder into DG and LS single- seaters. That way, we passed on all the information we had to our customers free of charge. As a result, we received a veritable flood of enquires concerning the fitting locations of all sorts of equipment and aerials, different types of aerials, potential radiation hazards, more recent types of transponder, and so on, and so forth. By now, we have spent many thousands of Euros on engineering hours and on transponder tests. And we uncomplainingly answered all those queries, and recently started to pass them on in our forum for technical queries. So far so good for the customer, not quite so satisfactory for us. And then the EASA came on to us, asking us what we thought we were doing, as this was clearly an aircraft modification, which therefore required a "Technical Bulletin", which has to be approved by the EASA, and for which the EASA "naturally" also receives a fee! Thereupon I nearly blew a fuse and tried to avoid this extra bureaucracy and the costs that go with it. As a concession, we are now allowed to bundle a few more Service Notes into a single TB collection. But there was no yielding on transponders: We had to do the work and pay for it. The TB will be published shortly.
And that is why, from now on, every customer who wishes to retrofit a transponder, or has already done so, will have to buy the TB from us. However, we will use the revenues from this to continue to answer all queries on the subject of fitting transponders to gliders free of charge.
That's the way it is - these regulations were not my idea, but we all have to live with them.
As they say:
We apologise for any inconvenience caused!
In pratica pretendono di far pagare i bolettini tecnici in futuro. Per quanto mi riguarda se di un aeroplano viene emesso un bollettino tecnico significa che qualche cosa é andato storto in fase di progettazione ó costruzione al punto da doverlo sanare nell'aerombobile acquistato. In pratica sarebbe come se ogni proprietario dovesse pagare il costo di un errore non suo. Sarei curioso di conoscere altri punti di vista. Buoni atterraggi a tutti
Francesco Padovano

8 Posts |
Posted - 30/10/2013 : 22:27:04
C'è qualcuno che mi può far sapere dove posso trovare il manuale del DG 300 Elan in lingua italiana? |
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