
27 Posts |
Posted - 26/01/2025 : 20:57:42
Setup as follows: Flarm connected to BT Module (K6BT) at 19200 LK 7.4.22 Device configured as 'Flarm' Port set to BT_SPP:<BT Module Name>
Scenario 1: Invoke 'Conf.' option under devive and then 'IGC Download' >>> file properly downloaded > device automtically restarted.
Scenario 2: Create a new task using 'Nav 2/3' > 'Task Edit' > 'Save' (name)> 'Declare' >>> After 'Task declaration: START ...' system comes back with 'Error! Task NOT declared! Unknown error'
Extract from log: [004428100] 90% 373. Block (451 Bytes) Response time:349ms Total:171150 Bytes [004434196] 100% 374. Block (350 Bytes) Response time:6073ms Total:171500 Bytes [004492247] .... Leave ResourceLock [004556832] FLARM found SW:7.22 HW:3.00 OBS:20130308_Trial_ADAC_Bonn [004563616] . Baro source changed to device A @h20:37:16 (UTC 19:37) [004563617] . FLARM lost! Disable FLARM functions ! [004633143] Error! Task NOT declared : Unknown error [004633210] ... GPS Port A no hearthbeats, but still gpsValid: forced invalid h20:38:26 (UTC 19:38) [004633210] . Baro source changed to device ? @h20:38:26 (UTC 19:38) [004633615] ... GPS Port A no hearthbeats, but still gpsValid: forced invalid h20:38:26 (UTC 19:38) [004638615] . Baro source changed to device A @h20:38:31 (UTC 19:38) [004706272] . SaveTask : saving </storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.lk8000.test/files/_Tasks/Default.lkt> [004786981] . ComCheck Init [005086934] Error! Task NOT declared : Unknown error [005086952] ... GPS Port A no hearthbeats, but still gpsValid: forced invalid h20:45:59 (UTC 19:45) [005086953] . Baro source changed to device ? @h20:45:59 (UTC 19:45) [005093617] . Baro source changed to device A @h20:46:06 (UTC 19:46) [005153688] . SaveTask : saving </storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.lk8000.test/files/_Tasks/Default.lkt>
Btw. the new task's name is BHBB.lkt not Default.lkt
Any idea what went wrong?
*** UPDATE *** as read in other threads about similar problem I checked - send RESET to Flarm: OK - works - using XCSoar (of course with same hardware setup): OK - works
Edited by - N2cee on 06/02/2025 13:23:37 |