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 Allow Valid task for invalid start manually
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United Kingdom
10 Posts

Posted - 11/04/2019 :  15:22:40  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I'm a long time user of XCS, but I'm here because it just doesnt work anymore for hang gliding competitions. LArge cylinder functionality and optimized routes are no good.
So I am learning to use LK8000 and it is mostly looking very good so far.

I am concerned about the fact that there is no task calculation in the event of an invalid start.
This means that if a pilot enters the start times wrong, and realises this, starts the task (perhaps using another instrument) then LK8000 just doenst tell the pilot whet they need to know later.

Also pilot cannot "jump into" a task part way though, there is then no glide information to goal.

Many times and often a pilot will practice a task, or just want tolfy the last part of a task and not the start....
Even in simulator it is not possible to just look at the glide to goal without simulating through a valid start... maybe I am missing something?

My suggested functionality:

Task is always valid and glide info calculated even if start times are not satisfied, or turn points are advance manually.
Task will not advance from the start to the first turnpoint unless the start times are validated, except manually.
Pilot can take a late first start on the first start after electing to take the second, by manually advancing the task.

As it stands now I would not use the start increments in LK8000, as the loss of glide information for goal would be too much a price to pay if there was some indecision on start time or even some error in the time inputs. I would rather use the clock and a post it note than risk not having information to finish the task!
so, sadly one of the reasons to use LK8000 rather than XC soar is compromised...

I started the FB group "Kobo Xc sore freetards" now renamed to "kobo xcsoar and LK8000 users", we have 1,212 members.


1153 Posts

Posted - 12/04/2019 :  13:16:20  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
we should add "force start" menu ...

that solve your problem ?
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113 Posts

Posted - 12/04/2019 :  23:08:06  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have some difficulties in understanding your problem Gordon.
If you want to force the start why not to use the "next Waypoint" button?
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