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 Task whane I start LK

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freewing70 Posted - 21/07/2024 : 15:52:35
Hello experts,

When I launch LK I always get a task setted... so I always need to tell LK I simply want to go home.
Is there a way to disable this task at start up?

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freewing70 Posted - 10/11/2024 : 10:27:54
Yes, this solved it. THANKS!
freewing70 Posted - 10/08/2024 : 17:57:49
Thanks again: that was the mistake; it was set to 40 km/h, since it was for when I practige paragliding.
Now I set it to 270 km/h (180 in rough air), even if this looks too much for my real conditions.

I need to try a real fly and will let you know ASAP.
brunotl Posted - 06/08/2024 : 17:06:38
Originally posted by freewing70

Hello Bruno,

The polar "should" be set as Ls4 glider...
I'm checking ASAP and will tell you.


don't forget to check also the "max speed" parameter ....
freewing70 Posted - 06/08/2024 : 13:49:33
Hello Bruno,

The polar "should" be set as Ls4 glider...
I'm checking ASAP and will tell you.

brunotl Posted - 04/08/2024 : 18:52:40
looking your screenshot, it's seem's you have misconfigured aircraft polar, what is your aicraft settings ?

"expect arrival after sunset" is throw when final turnpoint can't be reach before sunset with average thermal egal to your MC set. if you see that always it's also due to misconfigured aircraft polar ...
freewing70 Posted - 03/08/2024 : 18:09:08
Hello Bruno, thanks; here's the picture.
I keep having "a task" (set to my airfield) when I start LK. As you can see in the white bubble I get a -2000 (why -2000?).

Of course Dave if I clear the task and set "go home" everything works fine.

- I simply would like to start LK and have Home as default task; nothing more.
- Furthermore I always get a "expect arrival after sunset" (something similar), and I do not understand why.

Thanks folks!
davesalmon Posted - 31/07/2024 : 09:40:23
Just clear the task by Nav-Nav-Clear Task. then rotate top left hand corner to H.
brunotl Posted - 30/07/2024 : 19:07:45
Originally posted by freewing70

Mmm... thanks; I do not understand. At launh ut gives me home, with a strange -xxx (a negative number) in white over the direction of the GoTo (that's Home). If I set "Go Home" again, the -xxx disappears.

can you send a screenshot ?
freewing70 Posted - 30/07/2024 : 18:49:11
Mmm... thanks; I do not understand. At launh ut gives me home, with a strange -xxx (a negative number) in white over the direction of the GoTo (that's Home). If I set "Go Home" again, the -xxx disappears.
brunotl Posted - 23/07/2024 : 12:44:41
the task loaded at startup is the last task you have set, and Goto Home is a task, so if your home don't change you don't need to set Goto home again ....

no option to disable that

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