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 Vox parameter undesired change on Dittel KRT2

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Alebu Posted - 29/05/2024 : 14:46:06
Hi All,
trying to solve an apparent issue with the radio COM, I found this very strange behavior. My HW config is: LK8000 (Blue logo, but the same happens with the Red version) running on XC Edition21 display, wired to: the KRT2 radio, and to S100 eVario.
The issue is that changing the Radio's Volume from the LK8000 radio control panel, the Vox level changes going to 05 (10 is the starting/correct setup value, in my case). This happens only at the first volume change after the LK8000 start. Since then it doesn't happen anymore, till next LK8000 starup.
Another issue I noticed is that when I try to change the standby freq., directly on the radio knob. Figures changes without apparent reason. I susppose there is some input coming from LK8000. The freq. setup works fine from the LK8000 radio control panel.

Has anybody had similar problems?
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Alebu Posted - 23/07/2024 : 12:54:40
Originally posted by AlphaLima

unfortuneatly I don't have a devive for testing, just for debugging:
1.) Can you please try to start LK8000 first and than turn on the radio and report if you still see that problem?
2.) Does Volume/Squelch control via LK8000 work as expected?

Dear AL,
sorry for the long delay. hereafter the info requested:
1) Yes, the problem appears also in this case.
2) Yes, it works fine.

AlphaLima Posted - 21/06/2024 : 11:22:53
To give you some background information:
Due to the KRT2 protocol, it is not possible to adjust the volume without also adjusting the squelch and vox adjustment. Therefore, LK8000 needs to know the current setting of (Vol, Sq and VOX) in KRT2. If you adjust the volume before the current setting is received, incorrect settings will appear.
After turning on the KRT2, these settings will be transmitted by the KRT2 and turned on from time to time. So after starting LK8000, turn on the KRT2 or wait a while for LK8000 to “copy” the settings. Unfortunately, there is no way (we are aware of) to request these settings on the KRT2.

AlphaLima Posted - 20/06/2024 : 19:17:10
unfortuneatly I don't have a devive for testing, just for debugging:
1.) Can you please try to start LK8000 first and than turn on the radio and report if you still see that problem?
2.) Does Volume/Squelch control via LK8000 work as expected?

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