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 BLE and LK8000

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
hiller Posted - 04/07/2019 : 18:55:48
I have begun using an XCTracer 2 GPS (BLE) vario with a Boox Poke Pro e-reader which has bluetooth but no internal sensors. I am finding that only 50% of the time can I start a connection with LK8000 running in the ereader. Yet, when I use my backup app, XCTrack which is also installed, the connection is made 100% of the time. Yesterday while flying LK8000 indicated no GPS connection even during an air restart, while XCTrack immediately connected. My preference, clearly, is to use LK8000, but reliability is important.

Since I can connect to XCTrack, I am assuming this indicates no problem with XCTracer, but there is probably something I am doing wrong with LK8000 setup. I wait for XCTracer to indicate that it has a fix before starting LK8000. I have the correct protocols (otherwise the 50% success on connection would fail to transmit data, which it is doing just fine). I am configuring XCTracer as Device B, Port varies, Serial mode Normal, Device model Generic. Can anyone think of what might be leading to this intermittent connection problem?

Many thanks in advance.


5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Gary Thomas Wirdnam Posted - 22/11/2024 : 22:07:36
Sorry that I am late replying, but the news is good; after a recent Bluetooth update on my phone(Xiaomi 13T) and an update for the XCTracer(Maxx 1) plus the latest release of LK8000, everything has settled down to work nicely. Thank you for your work at LK8000 #128591;
brunotl Posted - 03/09/2024 : 09:52:18
Originally posted by Gary Thomas Wirdnam

I have been using LK8000 beta for years now, it's great for hang gliding comps and I use it also for paragliding. But I have always had a problem with the BLE connection to my XCTracer - I was able to get it to work with a few tricks but now it seems that I cannot get a connection to work at all. If I use XCTrack instead of LK8000, the connection is instant and 100% reliable. So it seems that something is different in the setup for LK8000. Is there something that I can do?

new 7.4.20 version is available, should solve some BLE connection issues...
brunotl Posted - 29/08/2024 : 14:25:46
i use XCTracer ( I & II ) from 2017 without issues, but as of XCTrack dev teams, we have to implement lot of work arround for issues on android BLE stack, maybe some of them is missing in LK8000.

what version of LK8000 do you use ?
what is your XCTracer model and what is it's firmware version ?
what is your your android device and what is it's android version ?

Gary Thomas Wirdnam Posted - 28/08/2024 : 21:33:30
I have been using LK8000 beta for years now, it's great for hang gliding comps and I use it also for paragliding. But I have always had a problem with the BLE connection to my XCTracer - I was able to get it to work with a few tricks but now it seems that I cannot get a connection to work at all. If I use XCTrack instead of LK8000, the connection is instant and 100% reliable. So it seems that something is different in the setup for LK8000. Is there something that I can do?
brunotl Posted - 15/07/2019 : 11:59:32
problem don't come form XCTracer, but from "Boox Poke Pro" BT stack

when connection failed, if you open/close device config, next device restart will success.
i work on workarround for this problem.

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