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 Turnpoint display

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Gary Thomas Wirdnam Posted - 05/01/2025 : 08:36:55
Thanks for the hard work on LK8000 beta. It's still the best tool for comp and free flying in my opinion.
I recently flew some tasks that were multi turnpoint tasks in a small area, as many as 12 turnpoints plus start/finish cylinders in similar or identical positions. It was difficult to keep track! The map was useful but very busy with crossing lines and circles, the most useful thing was the different coloured line for the current leg and cylinder. But it would have been also useful to have a different coloured cylinder for the subsequent cylinder.
As a suggestion I would say use a bright colour for the next cylinder/track line and a less obvious/bright colour for the one after that. Subsequent cylinders and lines should be muted further so they don't clutter the display too much. This would have the effect of a "visual priority" for the turnpoint order.
Thanks, Gary
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Gary Thomas Wirdnam Posted - 11/01/2025 : 09:49:30
brunotl Posted - 07/01/2025 : 09:33:37
could be possible, please create a issue on Github including task, screenshot and list of sugested color ...

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