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 Coming up Thermals (as identified from Flarm data)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Soren Posted - 20/05/2024 : 11:31:23
Hi all,
LK8000 is showing Flarm trafic on the map with ID and climbrate.
It would be fantastic if LK8000 could get a new facility to set such an indicated thermal as target. This may be done by adding an extra traffic page, where the thermals other pilots have encountered were registered and sorted according to distance and course.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
AlphaLima Posted - 19/06/2024 : 11:44:40
No, but you can create a position marker (at desired the position) in the main map or select a Flarm Object as (variable) target. Automatic position markers of other Flarm thermals are not intended since it is not granted to have all circling points (weak radio connection) nor information (e.g. climb with motor) and it may produce too many Navigation points.
Soren Posted - 19/06/2024 : 08:39:18
Thanks AlphaLima,
is there any way of setting a specific thermal as target? Like on the traffic page.

AlphaLima Posted - 18/06/2024 : 18:37:08
If you go on the Flarm Radar page you can see all the tracks of other flam objecs relative to your position. So you can see where others gained or lost their height. (green = climb, blue = decent). You can switch to climb only display by tapping in the upper left corner (useful for BW devices).

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