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 Replace used Vertika 2 by new device

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
JohanSinus Posted - 19/11/2023 : 17:39:27
Hello, I have sinds 2015 a Vertika2 with LK8000 in my Sinus motorglider (Pipistrel). This device is hardwired with a S7 vario and Flarm mouse of LxNav. This to my great satisfaction. Problem is, the battery capacity of the Vertika is deminishing and the slot to connect the cabel for data transfer and current is getting used. This results in disconnections during charging of the battery and disconnectins during flight.
Extra bummer, Vertika2 device is no longer available on the market. Is there an alternative device available that gives al the same possibilyties as the Vertika2? Maybe oudie or aquila gps?
I am not so good in wiring and software, so I would like to buy a new device that works of-the-shelve.
I hope there is a solution out there.
Thanks already
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Marco from Hangar 5 Posted - 16/02/2024 : 13:56:39
Buy A Bt adapter for the PDA Port on the V7, for example this one: or this one (requires IGC cable):
Buy a quality power bank (Anker, Belkin), or build in a USB power supply. I have built in this automotive power supply, works great without interference on my radio:

Data connect the V7 with Bluetooth to the Android device of your choice, and keep the power up via the USB port. My 15+ years experience with LK8000 on different windows/android devices has learned me that Bt is more secure than cables, as cables and connectors wear out, especially these flimsy USB 10 pin mini USB connectors that were installed on the Vertica and Gliderguider units. So i use USB only for power, because when power fails, there is still the build in battery, but when data fails via USB, you are lost... litterly. Data connection via Bt once a connection is established, it is very reliable.

On a side note: I have been trying to use wifi to connect with my devices, but after 2-3 years trying I have given up on that option, I never got it working properly, because Android always prefers a wifi connection with Internet connectivity over just a serial bridge data connection, so when flying over a city or whatever urbanized area, hundreds of wifi signals are received and there is always one free wifi with internet.. and then it drops the LK8000 and goes over to the wifi with internet... I could reconnect to LK8000, but was a very cumbersome procedure to go through, while flying

So, Bt it is, and that just works!

As Android device I use one of my Android phones, Google Pixel 7 or Samsung A34, both work fine, but the A34 is a little bigger and brighter.
brunotl Posted - 20/11/2023 : 18:01:34
"Aquila Plus GPS" should work like any other android...

the last Oudie have problem with internal GPS, seem's it does not implement GPS NMEA feed...

the point for you is to connect the V7, i see 2 possibility : usb serial adapter or Bluetooth, in both case you need adapter,

carrefull with the first, most android device don't allow charging when usb port work in host mode...

JohanSinus Posted - 20/11/2023 : 13:26:52
Hello Bruno,
The V7 + FlarmMouse + Flarm mini display where installed by Finesse Max in Haguenau. Later I ordered the Vertica 2 at MillenAir who delivered also a custum made cable to connect the Vertica tot the V7 Pda-port. This was plug-and-play and worked fine. What I use the most in LK8000 is the track view, the airspace side view, the thermal orbitter (coupled to the Thermal/Glide switch of the V7) the Flarm radar and the logbook. The airspace sonar, altitude alarms and landing gear reminder are also very usefull. I also have SkyDemon on a Samsung tablet for crossborder routing and airport info also for weather overlays and notams.
I’m not on a budget I ‘m just very fond of the LK8000 and would prefer te keep on using it. I’v seen some comments that mention problems when installing LK on oudie where the XCsoar is standard implemented. Maybe there are also difficulties when using LK on the Aquila Plus GPS (Pure I believe to be on the safe side with LK due to the specific development of an interface with the LxNav vario . Just my thoughts IMHO.
brunotl Posted - 20/11/2023 : 01:55:47
how your S7 and Flarm mouse is connected ?

almost all android device available have lot more possibilities than your old V2, the best choice depends of your real needs (and your budget )...

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