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 LKMaps Desktop Ver 2.0.0 Now Available

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
JBlyth Posted - 21/07/2023 : 03:36:38
LKMaps Desktop Ver 2.0.0 now available to the LK8000 community!

You can once again create .LKM and .DEM map files for use with LK8000 for any region in the world!

Huge thanks are due to Tonino Tarsi for releasing his code for the original LKMaps Desktop. An updated version using the latest GDAL and Osmconvert utilities is now available from the LK8000 Github repository.

The current release may be downloaded from

Thanks to Brunoti for his tremendous help in getting LKMaps Desktop "alive" again.

I had to get my head around Tonino's excellent coding methods and learn C# to make all of this happen, so please advise of any bugs on the Github Issues tab. There is bound to be a few ;-)

John Blyth
Sunny Carnarvon - Western Australia
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Alf Posted - 21/10/2024 : 14:19:40
I probably already had this setting, but, just to make sure, I downloaded the area again, setting in Options 1.0 on Lakes. Still, I see those two lakes green and the smaller ones to the west blue. It's a mystery..
JBlyth Posted - 21/10/2024 : 05:16:45
Double check your settings in OPTIONS for lakes. I have mine set to 1.0.

Sometimes OSM works in mysterious ways. It's not an error in LKMaps Desktop as such, as it just processes the data it downloads from OSM.
Alf Posted - 19/10/2024 : 15:35:38
Thank you, John.
When I downloaded Topology using LKMaps the "Terrain Pixel Size" was set to 90 meters, so maximum details.
Regarding the small lakes, if you mean those west of LIDT they are regularly shown in blue, if I zoom in. Here is a a screenshot:
JBlyth Posted - 19/10/2024 : 04:33:06
Originally posted by Alf

Hello, I found out something else missing. Two lakes in Italy. I am attaching a visualization in Google Maps and one in LK8000, I indicated the two lakes surrounding them by a circle. In LK they are depicted in green, both in the Android and in the PC version. Topology had been downloaded using LKMaps Desktop software.

Hi Alf,

LKMaps Desktop takes its data from Open Street Maps, not Google Maps. However, the lake does appear in OSM.

It is possible that you have your LKMaps detail settings set to low. Try increasing them, and let me know how you get on.

It is also possible that there is a fault in the OSM data. Does the smaller lake to the west show up? This rings a faint bell to me over issues with the OSM data for that area....

Alf Posted - 17/10/2024 : 15:28:42
Hello, I found out something else missing. Two lakes in Italy. I am attaching a visualization in Google Maps and one in LK8000, I indicated the two lakes surrounding them by a circle. In LK they are depicted in green, both in the Android and in the PC version. Topology had been downloaded using LKMaps Desktop software.
JohanSinus Posted - 16/12/2023 : 12:09:49
LKMaps Desktop Ver 2.0.0 works fine, I created the maps I want on demand and tested them on the LK on my phone, very good result.
As predicted the programm freezes when I push the detail too much. After returning to normal detail level and restart the file rendering is ok.
Spledid work done by the developers. Thanks,
JohanSinus Posted - 13/12/2023 : 12:17:56
Thanks for quick response. I'll try this evening.
Alf Posted - 13/12/2023 : 09:29:31
Yes, it is quite easy and it works well. You just download the zip file from the link at the beginning of this thread, extract it and then, in the subfolder "Manual", you find the instructions and follow them to select the needed area.
JohanSinus Posted - 12/12/2023 : 22:44:43
I'm recently trying out the Android 7.4.5 version of LK8000 on my Samsung A34 and have some problems with the maps that I download with the LKmaps app.
The only one I can use is the Benelux_WGER.lkm and .DEM but this does not cover the north of Belgium nor Zeeland. I read now here that maybe a tool is available to create my own map, the LKmap desktopo V2.
- is this available
- is this meant for common use (I can use Word and Excel but I'm not a xml-expert)
Realy hope there is a solution.
Alf Posted - 06/08/2023 : 09:35:22
Thank you, John
JBlyth Posted - 06/08/2023 : 04:30:52
Hi Alf,

You are correct. There does seem to be a bug with the LK8000 PC version when rendering the islands near Italy. I get the same result between LK8000 PC and Android versions. I tried downloading the .DEM data from another source, and got the same problem.

PC Version:- Corsica, Sardinia, and Sicily have disappeared!

Android Version:- Corsica, Sardinia, and Sicily are BACK ;-)

I'll post a link to this in the Bugs section!

JBlyth Posted - 05/08/2023 : 07:53:56
Hi Alf,

I didn't have any trouble downloading the .DEM or .LKM data. It took about 12 minutes for the Topology file to be created. However, I have had the "Error processing OSM data" error message on rare occasions, but I haven't been able to error trap it in the software code as an error in programming.

My best guess that there is occasionally some data included in the OpenStreetMap file that don't work well with the GDAL utilities that are required by LKMaps Desktop. It usually goes away when the OpenStreetMap data is refreshed the following day. However, this is a guess and not a definitive statement ;-)

Why Sicily, Sardinia, and Corsica aren't visible is a mystery to me. At first I thought it might be a setting in LK8000, but I am getting exactly the same result as you with the PC version.

If you zoom in, the Topology shows, so it is the .DEM elevation data that seems to be at fault. I tried doing just the Sicily region, and go the same blank result.

I think I can get the .DEM data from a different source, so I will check against that and get back to you.

As an aside, I cut and pasted your Lat and Long data with the comma "," as you gave it to me - instead of the standard period "." between degrees and decimal minutes, which screwed up the positional data. I will auto-correct that in the next version of LKMaps Desktop.

John in Sunny Carnarvon - Western Australia
Alf Posted - 04/08/2023 : 12:06:50
Update: I just found out that the problem with Sicily and sea in topology file, only happens on the desktop version of LK8000. On the Android version everything is fine. I have no idea of the reason..
Alf Posted - 04/08/2023 : 11:07:10
Thank you, John. Yes, the region I was trying to download did include outside Italy boundaries. I downloaded the Europe file as suggested, but while uploading for conversion I still receive the message "Error processing OSM data". Anyway, for unknown reason I finally managed to download topology of the whole Italy using the "Online Topology" button. It downloaded the foreign states portions too.
Unfortunately, something weird still happen, but I am still experimenting to understand. It doesn't seem related to the new LKMaps Desktop. Just for information, it seems that if I select an LKM file (relating to whichever part of the world) including a portion of sea, then the terrain of a portion of south Italy (the island of Sicily) disappears.. The only way to see that island terrain is to select an LKM file with no sea in it, or to select no LKM file at all.

In any case, these are Lat and Lon of the aerea I am tryng to download dem and lkm files:
Lat 1: 47,11500
Lat 2: 34,84988
Long 1: 6,08643
Long 2: 18,85254
JBlyth Posted - 03/08/2023 : 03:19:07
Hi Alf,

Send me the lat and longs you are using, and I will give it a test, and get back to you promptly.

Could it be that part of the map is outside of Italy map boundaries? If so, try using the europe-latest.osm.pbf and see how that goes.


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