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 Using BlueFly vario via Bluetooth on Android

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
evanspj Posted - 29/12/2022 : 11:21:57
Hello everyone,

I have paired the BlueFly vario with my Android phone using Bluetooth.

When I go to Device Setup (CONFIG 2/3 > LK8000 SETUP > DEVICE SETUP)

I click Device B and can set the name to BlueFlyVario but I don't know what other settings I need to use.

Can someone please help me.
Peter Evans
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
evanspj Posted - 24/01/2023 : 08:17:41
Thanks brunotl. I can now get 1 step closer.

I have downloaded the latest version 7.4.1 and can now select
"Name" : Select "BlueFlyVario"
"Port" : Select "BT_SPP:BlueFlyVario-XXXX" ( XXXX depends of your device ...)

BUT this is as far as I can get ... if I click terminal I don't see any data flowing back and forth. What else do I need to set?
Status: remains empty
Serial mode: is set to Normal
Device Model" is set to Generic
brunotl Posted - 18/01/2023 : 13:56:42
1 - you need to pair blueflyvario with your phone using android settings ( look for your phone manual to know how to do it )

2 - in LK8000 "System Setup" -> "Device Config"
"Name" : Select "BlueFlyVario"
"Port" : Select "BT_SPP:BlueFlyVario-XXXX" ( XXXX depends of your device ...)
evanspj Posted - 18/01/2023 : 08:49:41
Could someone please post all the instructions for connecting the BlueFly Vario to LK8000.
Thanks in advance,
brunotl Posted - 30/12/2022 : 12:26:23
in "Port" you would have an entry named like "BT:BlueflyVario-XYZ" or "BT_SPP:BlueflyVario-XYZ", select it ...

of course bluetooth (and location on recent android version) must be Enabled in android settings.
evanspj Posted - 29/12/2022 : 23:15:22
Originally posted by brunotl

you also need to select "port" where your bluefly is connected, it should be named like "BT_SPP:XXXXXx"

Thanks for replying so quickly.

I think I am missing something.

* I have paired the BlueFly vario with my Android phone using Bluetooth.

* When I go to Device Setup (CONFIG 2/3 > LK8000 SETUP > DEVICE SETUP) and I click Device B and

** set the name to BlueFlyVario ... what other settings do I need:
**PORT: TCPServer or Bluetooth Server or something else
**Port: I am only enter numbers

When looking at Device A and clicking TERMINAL I can see that LK8000 is receiving data about every second. But if I look at Device B I do not see any data being received.

What am I missing,
Peter Evans
brunotl Posted - 29/12/2022 : 16:17:59
you also need to select "port" where your bluefly is connected, it should be named like "BT_SPP:XXXXXx"

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