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 PEV Start

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Manu Posted - 28/05/2021 : 11:32:59
A new starting procedure appeared in the 2020 edition of the glider sport code (SC3 annex A) : PEV start.

PEV Start Procedures
When the PEV Start Option is in use, pilots must record a Pilot Event in the Primary Flight Recorder (“press the PEV”) before crossing the Start Line or Ring. Pressing the PEV creates an interval in which a penalty-free start may be made. The interval begins PEV Wait Time minutes after pressing PEV, and it ends PEV Start Window minutes later.
Two parameters must be published on the Task Sheet: the PEV Wait Time and the PEV Start Window. The value for each parameter must be 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10 minutes.

Are there plans to incorporate assistance for the management of this type of departure?
- Introduction of "Wait time" and "Start window" times somewere in the task page.
- creation of a "PEV" button to launch the procedure
- countdown of different times
This will be a plus to reduce the workload at the start.
No need to link LK8000 to the pilot event of the logger. the pilot first pushes on the logger PEV, then on the LK8000 button.
Thank you

AL: moved to Feature request
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Soren Posted - 31/05/2024 : 10:21:08
Hi all,
Please find all details on the PEV start method in the following FAI document (Annex A to section 3 - Gliding):

Have a look at page 30, paragraph 7.4.2 b

Best regards

Soren Posted - 20/05/2024 : 11:03:45
it has now been a year since my last urging for the PEV start feature. Meanwhile we have started using it broardly in the gliding competition scene. I have been forced to give up LK8000 and has turned to XCSOAR for this reason. I think this is quite sad, especially since I started urging this feature more than two years ago. PLEASE look into this ASAP.
Soren Posted - 21/05/2023 : 21:43:11
Is anybody listening/reading/reacting? If you want us to help you develop your software, please be a little responsive and proactive.
Soren Posted - 15/05/2023 : 21:44:04
Hi all,
we desperately need this. PEV is now broardly used in international competitions.
Marco from Hangar 5 Posted - 02/08/2022 : 12:50:50
PEV start is now used in the World Championships in Szeged at the moment. During the competition 2 weeks ago I participated in, PEV start was not used as a courtacy to me and a few others not having a PEV button.

I also learned PEV Start is used to get rid of the waiting game after the startline is opened, to prevent large gaggles in marginal weather. So it is a measure to improve safety by spreading the gliders over the competition area.

Like Soren said, I expect PEV start will start to be used more often the coming years, so it is important this will be included in LK8000. I am not a programmer so I cannot help with this, but I sure hope this will be included in the next stable version of LK8000.

Thanks in advance Bruno and Alphalima (Ulrich)!
Marco from Hangar 5 Posted - 14/07/2022 : 16:22:48
I just found out that the competiton I will fly next week may start using this too as they have included this into their revised regulations.. Exactly as stated in the original Post.. "PEV Start"

But till now I have not seen any competion that I follow or been part of, actually using it, so lets hope it will not be used next week, I also wonder if my fellow competion pilots will have this PEV Button.

Also, what is the purpose of this new starting method?.. I only see it as your decision to start is spread out over several minutes
Soren Posted - 11/04/2022 : 22:40:47
Hi Bruno,
many of my fellow glider pilots (not using LX9070) have moved to XCSOAR because of their support of PEV. PEV as starting method is finding its way also into the training camps for the Danish National Team. I think there is still a window of say 12 months before it becomes common practice to use PEV.

Best regards and thank you for a fantastic software!

brunotl Posted - 06/02/2022 : 13:11:34
if somebody want to work on, i can help.

issues :
Soren Posted - 04/02/2022 : 20:39:45
We really need this feature NOW as it has become standard at WGC and EGC. XCSoar fully supports it.


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