T O P I C R E V I E W |
ToninoTarsi |
Posted - 25/02/2017 : 10:12:15 It is available for download a new version of LKMAPS Desktop that can produce both terrain and topology for LK8000. Download for a beta version is here :
The main source of maps, for LK8000, always remains the pre-elaborated one that can be downloaded from http://www.lk8000.it/download/maps.html , but, if your area is not covered or you want a more up to dated map, you can try this tool.
Terrain is from 90 meters resolution NASA SRTM data. If you area is very big you can think reducing this resolution. Anyway if you are running on Android or Koko you can also produce a very large 90 meters terrain and will work fine.
For topology the software uses OpenStreetMap querying the database using Overpass API. Here, if your area is big, it can require time to get the desired data. Be patient and let it work. There is 1 hour timeout on the server so if you do not get data alter this time you can close and retry later when the server is less busy. Anyway downloading the demo area only require 3-5 minutes. If your area is big also consider to simplify your geometry increasing the "Geometry simplification" parameter you have in the option dialog . Increasing this parameter will increase LK8000 drawing performance. Even if you use 150 or 200 meters you will not notice the quality difference during flight. The option menu also gives you some control on what you really want on the map. ( see image below)

Report any issue here
15 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
JBlyth |
Posted - 15/02/2025 : 13:43:24 quote: Originally posted by mach02
Dear all, how to merge two files (.LKM) together to one file?
It may be much easier to use LKMaps Desktop to generate a single area covered by your two .LKM files. |
mach02 |
Posted - 07/02/2025 : 10:33:03 Dear all, how to merge two files (.LKM) together to one file?
JBlyth |
Posted - 12/07/2023 : 09:23:04 The son of LKMaps Desktop is about to be released on Github!
Stand by for more information..... |
JBlyth |
Posted - 09/10/2022 : 06:09:53 I'm learning a little more about osmconvert64-0.8.8p.exe....
It takes about 18-20 minutes, but may be quicker than waiting for LKMaps Desktop to do it internally. I used this command to extract a fairly large area of France and small sections of Switzerland and Italy using coordinates, then used it for Offline Topology:-
TO EXTRACT AREA FROM LARGE MAP:- Syntax:- InputFileName.osm.pbf -b=Southwest-Long1,Southwest-Lat1,Northwest-Long2,Northwest-Lat2 -o=Outputfile.osm.pbf
osmconvert64-0.8.8p.exe europe-latest.osm.pbf -b=1.39233,42.99538,6.86295,47.18854 -o=France-Sudx.osm.pbf
JBlyth |
Posted - 07/10/2022 : 07:28:19 I have found a way of generating .osm.pbf files that span multiple countries by using the osmconvert64-0.8.8p.exe utility. https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Osmconvert#Parallel_Processing
Here is a batch file that converts them to .o5m files, then joins them together in a single .osm.pbf file for use with LK8000 to generate the OFF-LINE topology file for use with LKmaps. Name the batch file to what ever you like and run it with no parameters to get the correct syntax.
It's crude but effective......
@echo off IF "%1%"=="" goto Help
set File1=%1%.osm set File2=%2%.osm
echo osmconvert64-0.8.8p.exe %File1%.pbf -o=%File1%.o5m start /wait osmconvert64-0.8.8p.exe %File1%.pbf -o=%a%%File1%.o5m echo osmconvert64-0.8.8p.exe %File2%.pbf -o=%File2%.o5m start /wait osmconvert64-0.8.8p.exe %File2%.pbf -o=%File2%.o5m IF NOT "%5%"=="" goto FourFiles IF NOT "%4%"=="" goto ThreeFiles goto TwoFiles
:TwoFiles echo Converting 2 files set FileOutput=%3%.osm echo osmconvert64-0.8.8p.exe %File1%.o5m %File2%.o5m -o=%FileOutput%.pbf start /wait osmconvert64-0.8.8p.exe %File1%.o5m %File2%.o5m -o=%FileOutput%.pbf goto end
:ThreeFiles echo Converting 3 files set File3=%3%.osm set FileOutput=%4%.osm echo osmconvert64-0.8.8p.exe %File3%.pbf -o=%File3%%.o5m start /wait osmconvert64-0.8.8p.exe %File3%.pbf -o=%File3%%.o5m echo osmconvert64-0.8.8p.exe %File1%.o5m %File2%.o5m %File3%.o5m -o=%FileOutput%.pbf start /wait osmconvert64-0.8.8p.exe %File1%.o5m %File2%.o5m %File3%.o5m -o=%FileOutput%.pbf goto end
:FourFiles echo Converting 4 files set File3=%3%.osm set File4=%4%.osm set FileOutput=%5%.osm echo osmconvert64-0.8.8p.exe %File3%.pbf -o=%File3%.o5m start /wait osmconvert64-0.8.8p.exe %File3%.pbf -o=%File3%.o5m echo osmconvert64-0.8.8p.exe %File4%.pbf -o=%File4%.o5m start /wait osmconvert64-0.8.8p.exe %File4%.pbf -o=%File4%.o5m echo osmconvert64-0.8.8p.exe %File1%.o5m %File2%.o5m %File3%.o5m %File4%.o5m -o=%FileOutput%.pbf start /wait osmconvert64-0.8.8p.exe %File1%.o5m %File2%.o5m %File3%.o5m %File4%.o5m -o=%FileOutput%.pbf goto end
:Help echo. echo Usage:- GenerateLK8000File.bat FileNameOne FilenameTwo OutputFileName [DO NOT INCLUDE FILE EXTENSIONS] echo [DO NOT INCLUDE FILE EXTENSIONS] Up to four .osm.pbf files may be joined echo. goto end
:end set File1= set File2= set File3= set File4= set FileOutput= pause |
JBlyth |
Posted - 03/10/2022 : 01:53:59 When I try to create a map from Online Topology, I keep getting a message box talking about "there are 3 lines available on the server", and to try again later.
But it never seems to be available. This has happened to me a couple of times when trying to download maps for Europe. Is there some issue with the program's connection to the Online server?
I can produce a map file by using the europe-latest.osm.pbf, but it takes a very long time to generate. I need a map for an area of lower France and upper Spain.
[EDIT:-] It seems the link to the LKMaps Desktop.exe in the opening post is dead too...
Many thanks John in Sunny Carnarvon - Western Australia |
brunotl |
Posted - 14/08/2022 : 15:50:22 no command line on LKMAP desktop, to create terrain file you can look this project : https://github.com/ToninoTarsi/GIS2LKMAP
Bre901 |
Posted - 10/06/2022 : 16:54:31 I would like to be able to use LKMaps desktop for terrain generation directly from my safety-oriented flight analyser (for flight in regions not covered or spanning more than one available map)
I have searched a bit but to no avail: is it possible to run LKMaps desktop without the GUI, indicating the map coordinates and options on the command line or in a data file ? |
JBlyth |
Posted - 24/06/2021 : 08:38:14 I find I need to delete the \AppData\Local\LKMAPS\ folder just about every time to get a reliable map generation.
Doing so doesn't appear to cause any issues.... |
rab77 |
Posted - 24/06/2021 : 04:06:37 quote: Originally posted by witorwitor
I tried to create terrain for a large area (the whole of UK). LKmaps (PC desktop version) got sucked at downloading one of the tiles. After restarting I can't create terrain even for the smallest area. After clicking 'generate terrain nothing happens ( I don't see typical downloading tile bar progress, just see one blue square without any information about which tile is being downloaded). I tried reinstalling LKmaps, but it didn't help. It looks like all my settings are remembered from previous installation.
Where (in which folder) are all temporary downloaded files and setting stored? I would like to delete everything to get a clean new installation which will hopefully work again.
C:\Users\(your username)\AppData\Local\LKMAPS\srtm In the dir, delete last time file. |
witorwitor |
Posted - 07/04/2021 : 23:13:48 I tried to create terrain for a large area (the whole of UK). LKmaps (PC desktop version) got sucked at downloading one of the tiles. After restarting I can't create terrain even for the smallest area. After clicking 'generate terrain nothing happens ( I don't see typical downloading tile bar progress, just see one blue square without any information about which tile is being downloaded). I tried reinstalling LKmaps, but it didn't help. It looks like all my settings are remembered from previous installation.
Where (in which folder) are all temporary downloaded files and setting stored? I would like to delete everything to get a clean new installation which will hopefully work again. |
brunotl |
Posted - 07/04/2021 : 21:45:13 your topology file look invalid, or something is wrong with cache ...
we need to check... |
P_Dikeman |
Posted - 07/04/2021 : 17:28:20 Not surprisingly - pilot error....i ASSUMED terrain would always be displayed when i panned in fly mode.
Terrain displays in sim mode. When it's in Fly mode terrain is not displayed unless your GLIDER is inside the terrain area. Given limited memory resources this makes some sense although it seems as though panning to the area should temporarily display terrain.
What is significance of log message "WARN Topology, shape bounds reading failed, fallback to mode0"
again, Thank You for your prompt replys and patience |
P_Dikeman |
Posted - 07/04/2021 : 17:11:21 I've been doing some experiments and i think i found the problem let me tinker some more. |
brunotl |
Posted - 07/04/2021 : 16:49:14 can you send to me your dem file ? send also the Topology file to check why you have the "WARN Topo... ? |