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 Delta/Hang Gliders
 Delta/HG/PG Terminology

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
eric.carden Posted - 17/09/2011 : 23:16:42

In a 2/4/11 discussion on a different topic, I recommended LK not call hang gliders "deltas", and Paolo concurred. Since then, some changes along these lines have been made (thanks!), but there are a few remaining that need attention (as of beta version 2.3f). Here are my suggestions/recommendations:

The aircraft “Type” list (config menu 7, Aircraft) contains “Delta USHPA-2.plr”, “Delta USHPA-3.plr”, and “Delta USHPA-4.plr” options. I’d prefer to see “Hang Glider – Novice”, “Hang Glider – Intermediate”, and “Hang Glider – Advanced”. If those labels are too lengthy, then my 2nd choice would be "Hang Glider - H2", "Hang Glider - H3", and "Hang Glider - H4".

"ENG_HELP.TXT" token 181: Change “delta” to “HG”.


"ENG_MSG.TXT" token 513: Change “PG/Delta” to “PG/HG”.

And on a slightly different topic, below are three places (all in "ENG_HELP.TXT") where PGs are mentioned without mentioning HGs. Since PGs and HGs are treated the same by LK, it's probably clearer to mention both whenever mentioning one.

token 143: Change "paragliders" to "paragliders or hang gliders", "PGs or HGs", or "PG/HG pilots".

token 402: Change “PARAGLIDERS” to “PARAGLIDERS OR HANG GLIDERS”, “PGs OR HGs”, or “PG/HG PILOTS”. This token needs this change in two places (each occurrence of the word “paragliders”).

token 1221: Change "paragliders and GA" to "paragliders, hang gliders, or GA" or "PG, HG, or GA", or "PG/HG or GA".

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Coolwind Posted - 03/10/2011 : 23:10:15
Ops, forgot to change that exception. Just did it, PG/HG Time Gates.
eric.carden Posted - 03/10/2011 : 22:43:03
I see that these are all (except for polar file names) changed in v2.3g. Thanks. I found another one, though... The list of custom key options includes "PG/Delta Time Gates" still. I thought this was controlled by token 513 in the MSG file, but apparently this text comes from elsewhere.

Coolwind Posted - 18/09/2011 : 21:43:36
I think I have a solution for the polar selection.
eric.carden Posted - 18/09/2011 : 21:05:28
Thanks. That's a good point about the polar file names not being translated. I hadn't thought about that. In light of that, I agree that it's probably best not to change these file names the way I suggested - assuming that more HG/delta-flying LK users are familiar with the "delta" terminology than the "hang glider" terminology. I'll defer to your judgment on that one... I have no clue.

There's one other option, though. Most, if not all, of the other polar files are named for a SPECIFIC aircraft. These three delta/HG polar files are unique in that they generically refer to a hang glider rated for a particular skill level pilot. Perhaps we could go the route of all the other polar files and change these names to specific hang gliders. For example (and as a nod to your country)...

"Delta USHPA-4" becomes "Icaro Laminar"
"Delta USHPA-3" becomes "Icaro Orbiter"
"Delta USHPA-2" becomes "Icaro RX2"

I have no strong feelings about this polar file naming, though. Having made all the other changes above, I think LK will be quite HG-friendly in its terminology.

Thanks for all your work.

Coolwind Posted - 18/09/2011 : 16:21:40
HELP Token 181 is removed in 2.3
All the rest, fixed.
For polar files, I am not sure it is a good idea to use Hang Gliders.
Because the polar file names are not translated, and hang glider in italian and french is called Deltaplane (delta wing), in german it is called drachenflieger, in portuguese and spanish delta.
So by now we keep the sortest Delta identifier, for the wing.

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