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 Delta/Hang Gliders
 need ability to zoom in more

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
eric.carden Posted - 19/01/2011 : 17:56:38

I've found that on my Mio C310X (in v2.0a), the tightest zoom available appears to be 0.09 mi. That’s a pretty tight zoom, but I think I’d like it as tight as 0.04 mi (or maybe even 0.03 mi) when thermaling.

In "paraglider/delta" mode, the thermal circle on the screen is 100m (328 ft, 0.062 mi) in diameter. I find that this is a pretty realistic circling diameter in a HG, and I may even fly a circle with a diameter as small as 200 ft (61 m, 0.038 mi) when low. In portrait mode on the Mio, the zoom scale indicator/bar appears to be about 1/6 of the total screen width. So at the tightest possible zoom (0.09 mi), the screen width represents about 0.54 miles (2,850 ft, 870 m). So at the tightest zoom possible (0.09 mi), the thermal circle drawn on screen is less than 1/8 of the total screen width. It would be more useful to me, if it took up a larger portion of the screen.

Do I have something configured wrong, or is this a softwre limitation?



P.S. - I'm really excited about the new "orbiter" function. This kind of function could be really helpful with job #1 - STAYING UP!
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eric.carden Posted - 16/02/2012 : 19:16:50
Thanks for the change. I can now zoom in plenty - even enough for the tightest/narrowest of thermals.

Coolwind Posted - 15/11/2011 : 00:33:09
I just closed it, thanks.
Damn I am such an idiot, while testing the code I reloaded an old profile with Circling zoom off.
What a rookie!! sorry kalman
rkalman Posted - 14/11/2011 : 22:48:29
We have to ask Paolo to close it, i don't have permission to do that.

I'm also testing thermal/cruise mode switching, but i cannot reproduce the wrong behavior.
I'm always using 1x logger replay speed, i think using faster speed can cause problems around zoom mode switching.
parapenT1sta Posted - 14/11/2011 : 04:30:35
Kalman, you must be kidding with me... I waited almost 1 year for this feature and you added it in a couple of hours?! :-D Can you close this request ?

Now I'm waiting for the next Friday, I want this version asap! :D Can I test these new features before Friday? I would like to test the autozoom.

My idea is to have the autozoom disabled on the thermalling mode.
Coolwind Posted - 13/11/2011 : 23:48:21
Nice work, I am testing it right now.
Finally some order in the zoom levels!
Kalman (thanks!) please can you check autozoom on entering thermalling?
Also I think that 500m (talking for km units) is not enough for gliders as max zoom.
Maybe 200m? I dont know.

bo. Posted - 13/11/2011 : 22:06:48
Great, many thanks to both of you!
Coolwind Posted - 13/11/2011 : 21:29:02
back home from the weekend, merging tonight hopefully
rkalman Posted - 13/11/2011 : 18:33:23
Finally I have some time, and I've done it. I hope it will be included in 2.3n.
rkalman Posted - 13/11/2011 : 14:39:54
Yes the zoom level didn't change, because there is a list with discrete zoom levels to choose from.
The requested zoom level compared against the list, and best match is used. This is for to show user-firendly zoom values.
The problem was that initial values (that you can choose from that config option) were too close to each other, and that's why after "quantization" we got the same value.
This is fixed.

To solve the autozoom problem i need more time, because it not so trivial as i see in the code.
parapenT1sta Posted - 13/11/2011 : 12:24:09
Originally posted by rkalman

Ok Sergio, I have done it.
I have also made some changes in zoom levels.
Personally I prefer to have user friendly zoom values on a map, in order to easily calculate distances.
For example intead of seeing 0.07km, 0.26km, 2.6km, why we not use 75m, 250m, 2.5km?
I hope everyone agrees with this.

I really want to thank you!!!

why we not use 75m, 250m, 2.5km?? Because before was in meters but when Mateusz changed the zoom code for the gliders it started appearing in Km :)

Another issue that we had was on the higher numbers, the zoom didn't change at all (basically we didn't see any difference), for example, if I choose the "7" I would get 412m, and if I choose "8" I would get the same 412m.

By the way, can you fix the autozoom for the paragliders? ;)
rkalman Posted - 13/11/2011 : 09:59:39
Ok Sergio, I have done it.
I have also made some changes in zoom levels.
Personally I prefer to have user friendly zoom values on a map, in order to easily calculate distances.
For example intead of seeing 0.07km, 0.26km, 2.6km, why we not use 75m, 250m, 2.5km?
I hope everyone agrees with this.
parapenT1sta Posted - 12/11/2011 : 12:10:20
Originally posted by rkalman

Thank you guys! Good software needs good user feedbacks.

Sergio, what do you mean on "zoom values: more, less"?

On the "23 Para/Hang Gliders specials" (Configuration Menu) you have numbers to set the Cruise Zoom but you have names for the Circ. Zoom and that is a little bit confuse.

If it is possible I would like to see zoom in meters or in any other units set by the user.

I know the zoom depends of the screen resolution, and for example, where it says 1 you could put in meters (ex. for some one using resolution 800x600 +/- 80 meters, 640*480 +/- 60meters.)

rkalman Posted - 12/11/2011 : 09:08:04
Thank you guys! Good software needs good user feedbacks.

Sergio, what do you mean on "zoom values: more, less"?
parapenT1sta Posted - 12/11/2011 : 04:52:02
Kalman, thank you very much! I will wait for it, is it possible to change the name of the zoom values: more, less.. To numbers?!
Coolwind Posted - 12/11/2011 : 03:15:02
Ops sorry had to leave for the weekend out, so I did a quick release.
The terrain profile in asp analysis is really cool, Kalman!

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