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T O P I C    R E V I E W
iwjones Posted - 07/02/2011 : 20:27:37
I need your help. I'm not a software or hardware expert. I'm just a hang glider pilot that loves to fly and I'm real interested in acquiring a PNA/PDA that is compatable and will run LK8000.

Due to my age I need a larger screen than 4 inch. I found a PNA with internal GPS that seems like it should work. You can find it here:

I would appreciate any feedback anyone would share with me regarding this specific device running LK8000.

Thanking you in advance,2 Isaac
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Alf Posted - 16/07/2011 : 23:07:00
Check out this, which Paolo is working on:
A little small, but probably big enough for use on our hang gliders, in portrait mode, mounted on a lateral armclamp for HG.
iwjones Posted - 12/02/2011 : 00:13:31
I beleive your assessment of the China Vision device is accurate. I will take your advice and put my hand on other PNAs/PDAs. Isaac
zero9 Posted - 11/02/2011 : 23:13:40
frankly, I have no idea about that hardware - but following the link I saw that there is a pen foreseen as input. According to my experience, devices that need pen input on the touchscreen are difficult to be "clicked" with bare fingers (because they expect a dedicated sharp "tip" like the one on the pen), and almost impossible to be controlled with gloves....

I would recommend going to a shop and checking out touch screen and display brightness of a win CE navigation system, and if you like the "look and feel" (literally taken), give it a try...

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