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 digifly telemetry support

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
thrmaln Posted - 02/12/2009 : 08:14:43

First off I should introduce myself. My name is Marc Webster and I am currently an H2 flying in the Los Angeles area. I am new to HG having moved from Sailplanes since it is a bit more accessable to where I live. I am still a member of my sailplane club (SCDSA) but lately it has taken a back seat to HG. I am also a member of the sylmar hang gliding association as well. Anyhow, I found this site due to wanting to set up a flight computer for the HG. I currently have Soaringpilot running on a Palm Tungsten but I am only using it for altitude info and rough information since i have yet to buy a vario. I am considering purchasing a Digifly Cartesio Pro BT which has 10 times per second output of telemetry via Bluetooth and I am curious if I can use it with LK8000 to take my variometers information into account during calculations. I see you already are doing this with the flytec devices and am curious if you have tried it with the Digifly. Another option I am considering is buying a copy of SeeYou, since many of my sailplane friends are using it, but I'd prefer to go with a cheaper option if possible. I would also like an option to be used in sailplanes as well so I can use it in both.

Also is LK8000 free like XCsoar? if not any idea what the estimated cost will be once out of beta? I'd be interested in being a beta tester if it looks like it will work with the digifly vario.

On another note, I also fly condor and am curious if i can use LK8000 with condor to get familiar with it.

Take care,

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
parapenT1sta Posted - 15/12/2009 : 23:31:38
YES! ;) As you can read on this topic:
thrmaln Posted - 15/12/2009 : 23:17:38
Hey All,

Donato from Digifly emailed me to let me know he has contacted Paolo and it looks like he will be able to supply him with what he needs. Now I just need to save up for the vario once it all works. I have been away for the past week backpacking the grand canyon in the snow so I have not had a chance to follow up on this. Hope all works out soon.

parapenT1sta Posted - 15/12/2009 : 10:49:51
But now you have news from Digifly ;)
Coolwind Posted - 11/12/2009 : 14:55:01
So far, no news from Digifly..
parapenT1sta Posted - 08/12/2009 : 18:12:38
I'm not switching! I love my Dell X51! I'm just thinking if my PDA breaks some day witch device I should buy, I was thinking about the 4" PNA devices from China.

About the marrige... it's hard! Really hard! Sometimes I say to my wife: I'm living a dream of a husband... get rid of the wife! :)
thrmaln Posted - 08/12/2009 : 17:55:32
Hey TIGuy,

So are you deciding to switch from the Dell X51 to an HP314? If so why? I plan to buy the 310 next week, but I found that the X51v is really cheap on ebay as well. I was considering getting both to test which I like best. The X51v is so much smaller that it might be easier to integrate it into some sort of faired pod in the future. However the 310's screen is larger and despite the device being larger it may be worth the tradeoff. Figured I'd play with both and see what the pros and cons are.

Wow, wife in Canada and your in Portugal...How do you manage that? My girlfriend is only one state away and thats tough enough. I thought I had it rough..

Take care,

parapenT1sta Posted - 08/12/2009 : 00:03:53
I have a good PDA, but getting a 314 is not a bad idea. I'm going to be in Canada on next week ;) My wife lives in Canada.
thrmaln Posted - 08/12/2009 : 00:01:52
Hey TIGuy,

I have not bought one yet, but plan to next paycheck. They go for between $99 & $140 on ebay in the USA. Do you need one as well? If your unable to get one in Portugal, I can buy one here and send it to you. I think the european version is the 314 so you may prefer one of those instead. This way you can still use it for car navigation.

Take care,

parapenT1sta Posted - 07/12/2009 : 23:39:37
How much you paid for the HP310?
thrmaln Posted - 07/12/2009 : 22:57:44
Hello Paolo,

I sent Donato from Digifly your contact info. Hopefully he will get you the information you need shortly.

I plan to buy an HP310 next week and will hold off on the vario to wait and see if the Digifly is able to be integrated.

Thanks again,

Coolwind Posted - 07/12/2009 : 22:47:10
Compeo by Brauniger has already been tested in flight yesterday with LK.
Vario and Airspeed working fine, as altitude. But there was something wrong with netto vario, I can only chek it once I get an NMEA log to replicate the flight.
parapenT1sta Posted - 07/12/2009 : 15:03:55
Really great news! ;)

As I can see LK8000 will support all Paragliding top instruments!
Coolwind Posted - 07/12/2009 : 14:59:59
Excellent. I sent you my details.
thrmaln Posted - 07/12/2009 : 05:15:12
Hello Paolo,

I received a reply from Donato at Digifly and here is his reply.

"Hello Marc, have seen on the forum the excellent job that Paolo is doing with the LK8000 software and i would be happy to send him all that he needs."

So with that said, can I get your contact info so I can forward it to him. You can send it to my home email at or reply here.

Take care,


thrmaln Posted - 03/12/2009 : 23:15:23
Hey BO and Coolwind,

I just contacted Donato at Digifly via email and he is usualy really good at getting back to me so hopefully I will have some information on his answers soon. However I am out of town for the weekend, so I may not be able to reply until Monday.

Thanks again for all the great help here. This forum is pretty helpful. I plan to buy my HP310 when I get back next week.


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