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 scala 1/2

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Buellsteven Posted - 04/02/2009 : 10:35:42
Dear friends,

I see you talking about scale 1/3 and 1/4.
Mr Carlo Ferrarin wrote me last week about a even bigger project that's taking place in "your" Italy.
And all donne by themselfs....

CALIF A21SJ Projekt

Questo è un modello di un mio amico di Brunico che volerà tra poco.
Cordiali saluti

Kind regards
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Buellsteven Posted - 28/10/2009 : 19:19:02
Originally posted by Tellurico

Great! Which is the title of the video?

You can find the video on the Bruneck modelclub webpage.
Also on youtube:
Ore type at you tube:Calif a21sj 1:2

Taking of seems not easy.Becouse the double undercariage and the flat wings they risk easy a groundloop.So the gras must be short,ore concrete runway for take off.
And the wings bent much more than the real thing,but I saw this machiene in Bozen this year.Miki and his friends used mine glider for there fotoshoot,and I have to say the model is a "impressive" piece of work,with "all" details(even the low air map of Varese area and a magazine in scale 1:2!).
I wish I just had a small part of there skills....

Kind regards
michele Posted - 28/10/2009 : 17:52:18
Great video steven!
Tellurico Posted - 28/10/2009 : 17:12:25
Great! Which is the title of the video?
Buellsteven Posted - 28/10/2009 : 16:04:19
Hello all,

Just to inform you the scale Calif made it's first real flight on Jet power.
17 october was the day a small part of Italian aviation history was redonne.

You can see the video on there webpage.

Kind regards
michele Posted - 15/07/2009 : 09:31:38
Hi Miki, the model is awesome, congratulations! I saw the picture on the italian soaring magazine "Volo a vela".

Thank you for the link!
mfgbruneck Posted - 14/07/2009 : 21:19:01

The last Calif Photos
mfgbruneck Posted - 01/03/2009 : 20:36:13

I´ll came to Bolzano in May!

I have see the Foto from the Calif in France! Wery nice!
Thank you for the in information!

Best regards Miki
Buellsteven Posted - 23/02/2009 : 13:28:32
Hello Miki,
I have to check it on my other PC but as I remember was the picture on the webpage of the shop where you bought the pilot dols.
My friend George Tschager asked me somme time ago information about somme orriginal text behind the airintake for your model.
And Ing. Carlo Ferrarin wrote me a mail about your project...
I have an other link for you from a French collega of you in a simmilar project;

Fantastic job you and your friends are doing and I hope to see it for real one day.
Meaby you are interested to have a look in the Calif meeting first week of May in Bolzano.

Kind regards
mfgbruneck Posted - 20/02/2009 : 08:07:56
Originally posted by Tellurico

Amazing job Miki!!!


Saluti MIki
Tellurico Posted - 20/02/2009 : 00:23:29
Amazing job Miki!!!
mfgbruneck Posted - 19/02/2009 : 21:36:04
Hello Steven

Where did you find this photo?

My Homepage is:

1 Video

Best regards

Originally posted by mfgbruneck

Originally posted by Buellsteven

Strange,here from my PC the link works.

But if you go to
On the right side you can sellect picture maps by Peter Adang.
you can see pictures of the immense building proces.
The model is equiped with a small Jet engine.
Like the real thing but scale 1/2.

meaby if you google to "modellfluggruppe bruneck" you find the working page.Than under "hauptmenu" catch the "calif a21sj"

Hope this will do,


mfgbruneck Posted - 19/02/2009 : 21:27:35
Originally posted by Buellsteven

Strange,here from my PC the link works.

But if you go to
On the right side you can sellect picture maps by Peter Adang.
you can see pictures of the immense building proces.
The model is equiped with a small Jet engine.
Like the real thing but scale 1/2.

meaby if you google to "modellfluggruppe bruneck" you find the working page.Than under "hauptmenu" catch the "calif a21sj"

Hope this will do,


Tellurico Posted - 04/02/2009 : 15:26:51
WOW! Serious stuff!!!
Buellsteven Posted - 04/02/2009 : 11:23:50
Strange,here from my PC the link works.

But if you go to
On the right side you can sellect picture maps by Peter Adang.
you can see pictures of the immense building proces.
The model is equiped with a small Jet engine.
Like the real thing but scale 1/2.

meaby if you google to "modellfluggruppe bruneck" you find the working page.Than under "hauptmenu" catch the "calif a21sj"

Hope this will do,

Tellurico Posted - 04/02/2009 : 10:47:47
Thanks Steven, but looks like the website is not working at the moment...

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