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 Download file from Flarm

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
davesalmon Posted - 27/06/2024 : 17:00:40
I had this problem a few years ago, don't remember any solution it just seemed to start working, but been trying for a week or two now with no success.
Flarm is working OK and sending data to LK8000 by BT and to a vario and an LX LED+ by hard wire. However I cannot download the files into the LK8000 logger. Device A is set as Flarm, Conf. button brings up the dialogue box, and pressing the download button starts the pings.
After 15 pings it says the no Flarm can be found, yet go back and Flarm is obviously working, other gliders can be seen on the map, and the datastream is there in Terminal. Tried unplugging the LED+ as AlphaLima suggested last time, but makes no difference.
It has apparently not gone into download mode because the re-boot button is not active, and as said above Flarm is still working.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
davesalmon Posted - 02/07/2024 : 20:18:48
No explanation for this, but today I checked to make sure none of the cables had been plugged into the wrong ports during tha annual inspection, they hadn't.
So I then tried downloading the file from Flarm again and now it works. This is after 8-10 earlier attempts failed over the last week or two.
davesalmon Posted - 02/07/2024 : 08:53:39
No Ulli,it will not trigger a reset. But it worked last year, and nothing has been changed as far as I know except to update Flsrm and LK8000.
However it was away for several months for re-finish and annual inspection, and there should not have been any need to change anything, I will check that the cables etc have not been changed. The only single direction should be to the LX LED+ display, the others are Rx/Tx. The Flarm to LK8000 connection though is BT using a Soartronic BT1.
AlphaLima Posted - 01/07/2024 : 21:32:27
Hi Dave,
file transfer and task declaration need bidirectional communication, while normal flight only needs data from Flarm to LK.
In oder to test the other drection, are you able to trigger a Flarm reset from LK8000?

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