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 Top Right Short-Click Custom Key for PG/HG (DONE)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
eric.carden Posted - 07/12/2011 : 19:51:54

Could we PG/HG pilots have a short-click top right custom key, please? :-)

Currently, for us, the top right custom key is hard-coded (not customizable) such that a long-click here shows the current coordinates (or initiates a task restart when starting a task with start gates). However, a short-click here does nothing (except zoom in) – and can’t be programmed to do anything. In glider mode, however, this “key” (short-click only) can be customized.

I prefer short clicks where ever possible, as it’s harder to do a long click in flight (especially in turbulence) and requires more hands-off-the-bar/brakes time. So an extra short-click custom key would be nice.

Also, I fly more with LK in Condor (simulator) than in real life. My Condor flying is always in “glider” mode, and my real-life flying is (almost) always in PG/HG mode. In order for my simulator time to be as applicable to real life as possible, I’d like LK to be as alike for glider and PG/HG pilots as possible, saving any differences for things that are really significant. I don’t see enough of a glider-PG/HG difference here to warrant having a short-click top right custom key available to glider pilots but not to PG/HG pilots.

In summary, I recommend enabling the short-click top right custom key for PG/HG users, while at the same time preserving the current long-click functionality of this key for PG/HG users.

What do you think?

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Coolwind Posted - 17/02/2012 : 01:05:05
ok thanks I have fixed it!
eric.carden Posted - 16/02/2012 : 21:47:46
I was just looking this over and noticed that the online help for this (top right) custom key still says that it's unavailable for PG/HG pilots. I suppose this help text needs revising to reflect this change. :-)

eric.carden Posted - 09/12/2011 : 16:44:29
Awesome! You rock! Thanks.

Coolwind Posted - 08/12/2011 : 23:50:33
Yes it is possible and I have done it.

I had some doubts because the long click here is used also during time gates for task reset.
But really there is no problem to let it be configurable with a customkey.
Simply because: by default it is Disabled, which is exactly as it works now.
The difference is that it will be configurable like for gliders.

I think it is a good idea, and I have made it permanent already.
Coolwind Posted - 08/12/2011 : 23:05:07
I must look in the source if we can do it without risking some problems.

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