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 Flytec 6030 / Brauniger COMPEO+

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
eric.carden Posted - 06/12/2010 : 18:29:27

I'm about to upgrade (from a Flytec 4030) to a 6030, and I just heard of LK8000. I searched the LK manual and this forum and learned a little, but I'd like to try to get firmer answers to the following before shelling out the $$$ for the 6030:

1. Does LK work with the 6030?

2. If so, how does the data get from the 6030 to the LK device (i.e., wired or wireless)?

For what it's worth, I'm a hang glider pilot in Huntsville, Alabama (U.S.). I've been flying hang gliders for about 17 years. I rarely fly competitively, but I really enjoy recreational downwind X-C from my home site and am very interested in the "landables" function of LK for helping me more confidently cross some areas where safe LZs are scarce.


11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
moyesboy Posted - 29/02/2012 : 23:23:03
Hi Guys, I'm new here
Any idea how much the 6030 drains its battery while bluetoothing?
Is there anything cheap that would read that bluetooth and send serial coms to my nopn bluetooth mio m400?
I know there is something to hack the USB "sex" of the mio to make it like a computer USB that should then accept a chopped up bluetooth dongle (and pull even more out of the battery).

vanis13 Posted - 04/01/2012 : 01:06:47
Coolwind Posted - 03/01/2012 : 22:12:32
Yes exactly. I know for sure: I have the 6030 and did the tests myself.
vanis13 Posted - 03/01/2012 : 19:50:37
Originally posted by Coolwind

Meanwhile, firmware 3.32 is supported as 3.31 for the new FLYSEN protocol, in LK 2.2.

So does that mean the airspeed and baro alt is transferred from the 6030 to LK8000 via the 6030 bluetooth?
Coolwind Posted - 13/04/2011 : 21:03:10
Meanwhile, firmware 3.32 is supported as 3.31 for the new FLYSEN protocol, in LK 2.2.
Dorin Posted - 13/04/2011 : 17:39:39
I order an IQ Compeo + , will take a bit o get it . I ask Brauninger about the Bluetooth module and Wolf Willershausen answer these :
" Hello ,
the main problem is here that you need a PNA ( as the HPiPaq ) which is able to comunicate by Serial Port Profile with the IQ-COMPEO+ and use our NMEA signal. Most PNA only can read the internal GPS module. Please find here a link where thsi problems are discussed by pilots: "
It's not much but might help !

shoulders Posted - 02/03/2011 : 10:51:03
No. The Bluetooth module of the 6030 already ran with LK8000. What you would need is (a) the BT module, (b) a special version of LK8000 which Paolo still has as a beta, (c) a newer firmware for the 6030 as FLyTec designed a new NMEA record delivering all sensor informations, and (d) a way to pair the 6030 with your chosen PNA.

As I could not pair my experimental LK8000 device (WayTeq) with a BT vario (SkyTraxx) yet, I cannot verify the information - but a BT extension for my 6030 is on the way. Will test the combination ASAP :)

parapenT1sta Posted - 07/12/2010 : 02:51:32
USB only? :(
eric.carden Posted - 07/12/2010 : 02:49:14
Today I asked Steve Kroop (Flytec/Brauniger USA)...

"Can the 6030 output real-time flight data (specifically baro altitude, baro vario, airspeed, and GPS position)?"

He answered...

"In the 5030 this data was output in a NMEA string which is a serial interface. The 6030 uses USB so there is no possibility to send NMEA sentence. One of the reasons we dropped this was there was almost no demand for the feature. We get the occasional inquiry 1-2 per year so I do not think that the factory has added a way to export this info from the 6030. I have copied this to one of the engineers and he can comment if there is a possibility of doing this on the 6030."

The engineer to which he referred is Erich Lerch. I'll post here, if I get an answer from Erich.

parapenT1sta Posted - 07/12/2010 : 01:00:48
Yes, I think Flytec will work properly with LK8000 :) Does it have Bluetooth?
Coolwind Posted - 06/12/2010 : 18:38:03
You may ask Flytec about these matters, also.

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