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13 Posts |
Posted - 12/09/2018 : 15:36:32
Hello, sorry for the long wait but my life changed completely few months later I announced the first iOS beta version here... I've been able to work on it for the past few months and now it is a little more than stable, I used it to record my flight and it works :) Still it's not possible atm to release on the AppStore but I've created a TestFligth for anyone willing to give it a go
for anyone with the proper skill the code is here, the actual version is based on version 6.1u
How to install maps and other files: Using Chrome for iOS (I think it can be done with safari too): 1) visit 2) select your region, country 3) tap on the .LKM file and "download" it 4) tap on the file (at the bottom of chrome) and select "open in.." 5) select "Save To Files" 6) select "On My iPhone" 7) select "LK8000/_Maps" 8) repeat for dem and other resources (airspace etc) 9) open LK8000 go to FLY and configure as usual
this is a short video of me doing it
In case I get missing (eek) the source codes are here:
How to build LK8000 for iOS
Requirements: - XCode (see the App Store) - Cocoapods
Steps: 1. git clone the repository 2. git checkout -b ios --track origin/iOS 3. mkdir Bin/LINUX/Resource 4. make data 5. cd ios 6. pod install 7. open LK8000.xcworkspace 8. fix resource_bmp.png.S by adding missing commas, ie: binfile IDB, Bin/… 9. BUILD
Note: btw, I'm no longer in touch with the Team so I've no idea how well they will like this release :)
Edited: added official TestFlight link supporting anonymous testers Edited: bumped to 6.1u Edited: added instructions to save maps to LK8000 and to build the version by yourself |
Edited by - nferruzzi on 23/01/2019 16:23:47 |

13 Posts |
1994 Posts |
Posted - 12/09/2018 : 22:22:45
Welcome back! Wow works nicely on my iPhone. Thumb up! |

13 Posts |
Posted - 13/09/2018 : 08:35:05
just ping me here if you get a FASTLANE error when requesting an invitation via
it just needs to be restarted (unfortunately atm I've no magic for this)
Now it should works again (for the next .. 3 days at least XD)
1151 Posts |
Posted - 13/09/2018 : 11:51:37
Welcome back !!
i don't have iPhone anymore so i can't test just for info 6.1s contains critical bug in UDP Device port, can be good idea to rebase to 6.1t. |

13 Posts |
Posted - 13/09/2018 : 12:09:49
Thanks Bruno! iOS can not connect to any external device by any means :( Today I try to get it approved by Apple, fingers crossed.. |
1151 Posts |
Posted - 13/09/2018 : 14:19:30
quote: Originally posted by nferruzzi
Today I try to get it approved by Apple, fingers crossed..
sorry, but you can't because AppStore terms of services are not comptatible with section 6 of GPLv2
if we want do that, we have 2 possibility : - Ask to Apple for change there ToS ... - Got agremment from ALL contributor to change LK8000 licence ( and also ask for XCSoar Licence change because we use some XCSoar parts) ...
i don't think that possible ...

13 Posts |
Posted - 13/09/2018 : 14:45:13
I know :( AND I don't think either, still Im curious to see what would happen if they accept it; do you think anyone of the LK8000/XCSoar contributors would get it pulled out the store like what happened to VLC ? maybe yes, or maybe no. Btw TestFlight has a limit of 10000 users which is enough, and the code on git should allow any iOS programmer to self install the IPA without much problems, I will write a guide soon so, appstore or not, anyone will be able to use it.
Edited: Just to make it clear, from a year or maybe two there is no need anymore to pay apple to compile and install an app all by yourself; you just need a mac and xcode (free tool). |
Edited by - nferruzzi on 13/09/2018 14:48:31 |
1864 Posts |

Czech Republic
5 Posts |
Posted - 14/09/2018 : 06:58:27
Hi all, I've started testing yesterday on my iPhone 7 and app seems to be stable. Map downloading is little bit complicated - one must first download data to iCloud and then, using system app Files, "redistribute" them int proper folders within app LK8000 . Not big deal but unusual little bit, IMHO. According to connecting an external device, I've succesfully connected over wifi. My device is SoftRF device based on TTGO T-BEAM with LoRA and soldered barosensor. It is acting as FLARM. And I've tested it previously with my Kobo and it works perfectly.
SoftRF info is here:
I'll test it in an airplane during weekend and I'll let you know ...
M. |
Edited by - miirek on 14/09/2018 07:19:43 |
1994 Posts |

13 Posts |
Posted - 14/09/2018 : 12:32:52
I've just released a new version rebased on 6.1t and few iOS related crashes fixed. Miirek thanks for testing the wifi connection |

Czech Republic
5 Posts |
Posted - 14/09/2018 : 14:13:34
Previous version had a problem with saving set up data. I've changed maps, waypoints and airspaces. But after restart I had to set everything again. Now seems to be fixed. |

13 Posts |
Posted - 16/09/2018 : 19:24:07
The app has been accepted by Apple, now what ? want me to release or not ? |

Czech Republic
5 Posts |
Posted - 16/09/2018 : 20:38:17
quote: Originally posted by nferruzzi
The app has been accepted by Apple, now what ? want me to release or not ?
That's really great news! And ofcourse release it! |
Edited by - miirek on 17/09/2018 19:46:36 |

13 Posts |
Posted - 17/09/2018 : 20:34:53
I know but I'll do it if I get the consent from at least the LK team, otherwise it will be TestFlight forever :) I'm not going to release it for just getting asked to remove it few days later. So if any of you reading can ask them to reply it would be great |
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