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 Barogram with spikes in the LK8000 IGC file.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Marco from Hangar 5 Posted - 31/05/2024 : 13:37:59
Have a look at my flight of May 28, 2024 in Weglide, the barogram looks weird with spikes to the downside, I have this since I changed over from a Redbox to a new LXNAV Powermouse flarm.

Files from the SD Card in the S80 Vario do not show this

Connection is via a Soartronic BT module to my Phone with LK8000. The BT in my phone is also connected with the radio.

I think it has to do with the Bt connection, but not sure. Anybody here who knows what is causing this and how to correct this situation?

During flight it does not seem to be any issue

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Marco from Hangar 5 Posted - 06/06/2024 : 15:11:25
run lk8000 first to get the permissions back, close and copy files using the 'files'app.
wrogers Posted - 05/06/2024 : 20:31:41
Marco, good news! BTW, I have a Samsung A34 5G and am struggling to copy in Waypoints.cup. Seems like LK8000 V7.4.5 is choosing a different directory than I can find from the Files app... or for some reason will not copy.

The directory I'm copying to is /Android/data/org.lk8000.beta

Some permissions problem or confusion...

Any help?
Marco from Hangar 5 Posted - 04/06/2024 : 22:20:16
Issue is solved!

Updated the firmware of the LXNAV S80, to the April 2024 version (latest version). Which seems to have solved the issue. Thanks for the tip Walter Rogers!

Check my 04-06-2024 flight on WeGlide:

I love this community working together to find solutions for any kind of issues

Thanks guys!

brunotl Posted - 04/06/2024 : 17:16:55
in anycase, altitude written in igc file is the raw data received from active source, so 2 possibility
- spike come from the source
- you have connection issues and you have spike when LK8000 fallback from one source to another ...
wrogers Posted - 03/06/2024 : 00:43:23
BTW, Marco...

Will be taking delivery on a Samnsung A34 phone on your recommendation tomorrow. Waiting to see if I can install LK8000 on it and easily reach the needed folder for needed files without security problems. Also, hoping screen is bright enough and it doesn't overheat too badly.
wrogers Posted - 03/06/2024 : 00:41:03
Hi Marco,
This "sliced swiss cheese" igc trace looks a lot like a problem I had in Apr 2023 when using my LXNAV S100 to connect with SeeYou Navigator using the built in bluetooth on the S100. Naviter said it was a problem with the LXNAV BT firmware/hardware, but recommended I buy their LXNAV BT Dongle, which I did.

Got around to testing the LXNAV BT dongle with my S100 connecting to my Nokia 8 smartphone running SYN. It solved the "slice swiss cheese" dropouts. But, Paul Remde and LXNAV support tells me that between 2023 and Apr 2024 LXNAV fixed the problem in their S100 firmware. Now, I haven't tested it without my LXNAV BT dongle (using native S100 bluetooth) on SYN. LXNAV doesn't indicate this firmware update in any Change Logs.

Hope that gives you some help...

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