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 Consistent location of [Cancel] button

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
mwm Posted - 25/05/2012 : 19:00:34
A simple idea. Once inside the menu system, there is a [Cancel] button on each page. Depending on which menu you happen to be viewing, the button position is inconsistent. Personally, I find the location of [Cancel] button at the bottom right (as it is at the top level of the menu) is very intuitive. Would it be a good idea to standardize the location of that button so a pilot can dismiss the menu without a glance in flight?
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
mwm Posted - 25/05/2012 : 22:27:23
OK. I didn't understand the logic behind the placement, but you've cleared that up.
Coolwind Posted - 25/05/2012 : 19:40:59
The cancel and Back buttons are near to the button you just pressed to enter the menu.
This is how it was thought. The way you say requires the pilot to jump from one point on the screen to another. I dont see any advantage in this.

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