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 Missing AAT task blue arc.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
witorwitor Posted - 21/11/2024 : 16:54:10
In older versions, after going to NAV/Tasc calc/ optimise, in AAT tasks we were getting a blue arc line that would show where we should fly to before arming the turn. In the latest version (7.4.19) and other recent versions, I can not see this blue arc any more.

What happened with this blue arc? Has this been removed or am I doing something wrong?

I was also wondering what does the 'optimised route' in settings/ 14 Task do. It looks like it is always on. Even if I switch it to off it is still on every time I open the settings window.

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
brunotl Posted - 22/11/2024 : 09:35:44
look like a bug, would be fixed in next beta.
witorwitor Posted - 22/11/2024 : 01:28:49
After digging a bit more I have discovered that 7.2 had the blue arc but 7.4 does not have it. Why? I thought it was a good feature.
witorwitor Posted - 21/11/2024 : 18:06:10
Do you mean nav2/task edit then click on the first (start) tp and then the field called 'Task type'?

If yes, I have it set to AAT
brunotl Posted - 21/11/2024 : 17:07:27
check the "Task Type" parameter in first turnpoint

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