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davesalmon Posted - 28/03/2018 : 19:03:45
I do not like phones, but just want to carry it as a spare in case.
Can someone please explain to me how to get the data files into LK8000, which is installed on the phone SD card.
Somehow I have managed to get the maps in and selected. When I try for waypoints in LKMaps all I can get is airports. I have copied the waypoint file from my V2 into the correct folder with the phone coupled to my computer, but even though the file is there it does not show up for selection in Config. Similarly in LKLMaps there doesn't seem to be any UK airspace, and again, when my airspace file is copied in it doesn't show up to select.
Help please!
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
SlimTom Posted - 07/08/2024 : 15:38:15
Originally posted by SlimTom

This is still an open question. How to copy waypoints and airspaces to LK8000 on new Android devices, as folders are not visible in File Manager ?

On some android dvices this File manager works:

SlimTom Posted - 07/08/2024 : 14:10:56
This is still an open question. How to copy waypoints and airspaces to LK8000 on new Android devices, as folders are not visible in File Manager ?
davesalmon Posted - 29/03/2018 : 16:28:27
Managed it. Had to move LK back to the internal. Even then could not copy files back from SD card to internal, had to copy them from the V2. Very strange. Now have move it back to the SD card, and so far seems OK.
davesalmon Posted - 29/03/2018 : 14:06:41
An old Moto E.
brunotl Posted - 29/03/2018 : 09:56:05
Originally posted by davesalmon

That is what I expected, unfortunately on my phone it doesn.t seem to work. The folders are there, I put the files in, as one normally does, but they don't show up in Config to select. Except the two map files did.

what is your phone ?
davesalmon Posted - 29/03/2018 : 08:51:06
That is what I expected, unfortunately on my phone it doesn.t seem to work. The folders are there, I put the files in, as one normally does, but they don't show up in Config to select. Except the two map files did.
brunotl Posted - 29/03/2018 : 00:30:51
when you start LK8000 for the first time LK8000 folder and subflolder are created, after that you can copy your files in this folder, nothing more ...

davesalmon Posted - 28/03/2018 : 22:30:21
That is what I did BravoLima. Tried to download via LKMaps, but the files aren't there for UK airspace and waypoints.
Pity you cannot just copy and paste the files, you can with X....r, and it works fine. Don't like the program though.
Because it's my wife's old phone with not much storage, I need it on the card. I did have it on the internal memory some time ago, copied and pasted no problem, but not it seems on the card.
Marco from Hangar 5 Posted - 28/03/2018 : 19:41:33
If you simply copied the V2 LK8000 folders to the phone SD card, this wont work of course

On my phone (nexus 5X) the LK8000 folder is located at storage>emulated>0>LK8000 and then the _maps and _airspace etc folders are there, the files that are in _Airspaces all show up in LK800 app.

I use the app "ES file explorer" to move files from my Google drive or dropbox to the internal memory of my phone (nexus 5x does not have an SD card), its a bit finding your way in this app, but its very versatile to move files around.. (btw ONLY needed with LK8000.. but I understand they are working on an Importing feature, so these nerdy skills are no longer required and everything can be managed from within LK8000)
BravoLima Posted - 28/03/2018 : 19:30:14
I think you have to connect to internet (WIFI) and after you selected the file you want, you need to close and restart LK (works fine with me)

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