T O P I C R E V I E W |
JBlyth |
Posted - 23/06/2024 : 06:34:22 Could LK8000 be made compatible with the extensions to the OpenAir format concerning Airspace please? See https://www.openaip.net/docs
I understand this update to OpenAip may have been done at Naviter's request.
OpenAIR Formats OpenAIP supports the original and the extended OpenAIR format. The extended OpenAIR formats adds additional tokens:
AY: Specifies the type of the airspace, e.g. "CTR". In the extended format, the AC tag is exclusively used to specify the airspace ICAO class. The AY tag is required and must be placed directly after the AC tag. AI: A unique identifier for each airspace. The identifier will stay the same for each airspace in all versions of the file.The AI tag is required and should be placed directly after the AN tag. AF: Specifies the frequency, e.g. "132.505", of the ground station responsible for this airspace. The AF tag is optional and should be placed below the AI tag. AG: Specifies the ground station call-sign of the above defined frequency. The AG tag is optional and should be placed below the AF tag. It is also only to be used if the AF tag exists.
Let me know if I can assist in any way.
Cheers John in Sunny Carnarvon - Western Australia |
13 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
JBlyth |
Posted - 04/08/2024 : 05:33:36 quote: Originally posted by brunotl
"AY" field support added in 7.4.19 : https://www.postfrontal.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=9454
Thank you Brunotl. Much appreciated! |
brunotl |
Posted - 02/08/2024 : 13:54:25 Oups ! Fixed ! |
Bre901 |
Posted - 02/08/2024 : 11:41:58 quote: Originally posted by brunotl
"AY" field support added in 7.4.19 : https://www.postfrontal.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=9454
Good news ! There is still a link to 7.4.18 in the post you linked to 7.4.19 is there : https://github.com/LK8000/LK8000/releases/tag/7.4.19 |
brunotl |
Posted - 02/08/2024 : 09:46:23 "AY" field support added in 7.4.19 : https://www.postfrontal.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=9454 |
JBlyth |
Posted - 01/08/2024 : 07:36:11 quote: Originally posted by BravoLima
You can easily work around the Extended Openair problem by simply placing an asterisk (*) at the beginning of the line in question. It is best to use Notepad for this and edit the lines with Replace/Replace All (e.g. AY becomes *AY, the line is now skipped and no longer causes a parser error). Rename the file and save it.
I use LK8000 in Condor 2 almost daily Virtual gliding races, and we use many many different "maps" to fly on. Editing each airspace to suit LK8000 would become a nightmare.
My request was to bring LK8000 up to date with the current accepted Extended OpenAIP format... |
brunotl |
Posted - 31/07/2024 : 10:15:44 if i don't make mistake with Latest version only "AI" could throw error |
BravoLima |
Posted - 31/07/2024 : 09:51:51 It is just an example: in the past, AI, AY, AF and AG caused parser errors in LK8000.
The NL-airspace files then also contained these extended Openair tags and I used an asterisk to bypass them.
I understand that the parser errors no longer occur, is that correct? I use the latest version of LK and have created my own NL-airspace file. |
brunotl |
Posted - 30/07/2024 : 17:43:43 quote: Originally posted by BravoLima
You can easily work around the Extended Openair problem by simply placing an asterisk (*) at the beginning of the line in question. It is best to use Notepad for this and edit the lines with Replace/Replace All (e.g. AY becomes *AY, the line is now skipped and no longer causes a parser error). Rename the file and save it.
what version do use ? "AY" is silently ignored since version 5.3A2 ( 03 September 2015 ) |
BravoLima |
Posted - 30/07/2024 : 13:11:59 You can easily work around the Extended Openair problem by simply placing an asterisk (*) at the beginning of the line in question. It is best to use Notepad for this and edit the lines with Replace/Replace All (e.g. AY becomes *AY, the line is now skipped and no longer causes a parser error). Rename the file and save it. |
JBlyth |
Posted - 23/07/2024 : 13:02:45 Is there any progress on the inclusion of the extended OPENAir formats?
I understand this is becoming a more regular occurrence in newer European Airspace data in particular. Switzerland is the latest example, I believe.
Many thanks John |
Bre901 |
Posted - 24/06/2024 : 07:30:45 The change that makes the extended format unusable with software not aware of it it is the AY tag. If in the standard format, AC is none of the ICAO classes (A-G), e.g. W or GSEC for glider sectors, then, in the extended format, AC should be UNCLASSIFIED, and AY should contain the type that was in AC As an illustration, see the airspace file for France issued by the French Soaring Federation (FFVP), which is in the extended format and can be found there: https://planeur-net.github.io/airspace/france.txt (updated regularly) |
JBlyth |
Posted - 24/06/2024 : 05:32:38 Thanks AlphaLima. Here is some more background on AY from XCSoar:-
AY:- https://github.com/XCSoar/XCSoar/issues/1340 https://github.com/XCSoar/XCSoar/pull/1152
Example of AY and AI use:- AC D AY TMA AN TMA Todendorf-Putlos AI b3836bab-6bc3-48c1-b918-01c2559e26fa AF 123.505 AG Todendorf Information AH 40000ft MSL AL GND DP 54:25:00 N 010:40:00 E DP 54:25:00 N 010:50:00 E DP 54:26:00 N 010:53:00 E DP 54:19:30 N 010:53:00 E DP 54:15:00 N 010:41:00 E DP 54:15:19 N 010:40:00 E DP 54:20:00 N 010:40:00 E DP 54:25:00 N 010:40:00 E
More information from the OpenAIP Giuthub page:- https://github.com/openAIP/openaip-openair-parser?tab=readme-ov-file#extended-openair-format
Extended OpenAIR Format The original OpenAIR format specification has multiple shortcomings to meet today's demand to reflect the various types of existing airspaces and provide additional metadata. To overcome these shortcomings, an extended OpenAIR format is introduced that has several new tags.
Extended Format Tags: AI An optional tag that specifies a unique identifier string for each airspace, e.g. a UUID v4. The AI value must stay the same for each airspace throughout different versions if the file. The AI tag must be placed either before or directly after the AN tag. Placing the AI tag before the AN tag is preferred
AY A required tag that specifies the airspace type, e.g. "TMA", "CTR" or "TMZ". Unlike in the original format, the AC tag must now only be used to specify the airspace ICAO class. If airspace has no type, i.e. is only ICAO class, the AY should be set to UNCLASSIFIED. The AY tag must be placed directly after the AC tag.
AF An optional tag that specifies the frequency of a ground station that provides information on the defined airspace. The AF should be placed directly before or after the AG tag. The proposed best order is AF, then AG.
AG An optional tag that specifies the ground station name. May not be used without the AF tag. The AG must be placed directly before or after the AF tag. The proposed best order is AF, then AG.
Original To Extended Format Conversion To easily convert original OpenAIR to the extended format you can use our OpenAIR Fixer Tool. The tool will inject the required AI token for each airspace definition block that does not have it already. Additionally the tools takes care of tag order.
AlphaLima |
Posted - 24/06/2024 : 00:32:45 AG and AF are already supported, we are not aware of a detailed definition of the AY and AI tokens nor the usage or benefit of it. |