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 External wind from LXNav S10 with Hawk enabled

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
NorthernLad59 Posted - 17/04/2024 : 23:14:15
I've just purchased an LXNav S10 vario with Hawk enabled. I also have my old CAI302/303 in the panel with LK8000 running on an Oudie 2. The CAI302 is cabled and the connection to the S10 is via Bluetooth. The S10 also has a PowerMouse+ Flarm unit connected via a cable to it's GPS/FLARM port.

I selected "External Wind" in LK8000. Both the CAI302 and the S10 generate wind vectors and LK8000 kept swapping between them. Disconnecting the cable to the 302 confirmed that LK8000 was swapping between the two. Is there a way of stopping LK8000 taking external wind from one the CAI302, other than not connecting it!

The Hawk wind calculation is very accurate so prioritising this makes sense. Another issue is that if the S10/Hawk combo is displaying the wind as say 325 degrees 19 knots, on LK8000 it displays as -35 degrees 19 knots. This is a bit confusing. Is this how "non Hawk wind" generated by the S series displays, or is it a feature of the Hawk software.

Apologies if this is already covered elsewhere!
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
NorthernLad59 Posted - 23/04/2024 : 10:24:30
Thanks, I've done that.
brunotl Posted - 22/04/2024 : 21:26:52
@NorthernLad59 : i can send a test version to you, but i need your email for that, please send me a private message...
NorthernLad59 Posted - 21/04/2024 : 10:02:36
That makes sense and it's what I hoped would be happening. I came across either a post on this forum or something in the manual that listed a lot of different external devices and seemed to prioritise them by device in terms of "quality", so a high quality device would take priority over a low priority device independent of it's position in the A to F list. I cannot find this post or document again to check. That's what made me suggest the checkboxes. I probably misunderstood what I was reading.
brunotl Posted - 19/04/2024 : 19:35:34
idea is not to add option but manage device priority using device Device A have the higest priority and F device the lowest, like it's done for baro and vario...
NorthernLad59 Posted - 19/04/2024 : 10:02:30
I will raise an issue. Thinking about it, personally I'd rather have the option to set "Primary source for Bara", "Primary source for external wind" etc as a set of checkboxes on the Device configuration dialog. If none are checked then the software could default to a preprogrammed priority order. I'm using the LX Nano 3 driver with the S10 vario. This driver is used with a wide range of LXNav devices of different generations and functionality. The Hawk software option is not available on all these devices, or may not be installed so it may not be appropriate for other users to make this driver the highest priority device for external wind by default.

The Hawk wind option does seem to give an extremely reliable wind estimate.
brunotl Posted - 18/04/2024 : 13:09:42
Change is needed to prioritize external wind source, currently it's only done for Baro altitude and Vario.

can you please create an issues on github for that :

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