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 Failed to declare task on S7

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Dominik Posted - 06/02/2024 : 21:38:51
I have a problem with task declaration from LK8000 (Samsung phone with Android 10) via LXNav S7 with BT module to Flarm RedBox.
The bi-directional connection between LK8000 and S7 / Flarm RedBox seems to work fine (I can change MC or ballast in both directions. I get GPS position and baro altitude as well).
Unfortunately, I can’t send task declaration to Flarm RedBox.

I did my homework by studding the historical topics on our Forum: different drivers ware testes (all drivers named LXV7, LX Nano 3, Generic) with the RX wire at the FLARM side between the FLARM and FLARM display “cut” and “un cut” configuration.

Always with the same result:
If LXV7 driver: “Error! Task NOT declared! Unknow error”
If LX Nano 3: “Error! Task NOT declared! Cannot write data to Port!”

Do you have any suggestions what I’m doing wrong in device configuration?
Thank you in advance,
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Marco from Hangar 5 Posted - 16/02/2024 : 10:44:32
Its hit or miss with the red box, sometimes task declaration works and sometimes it fails, it always has been this way.... Red box is by now legacy technology, my redbox failed in 2023 and could not be repaired so I bought a LX Powermouse, which works much better.
ka_flieger Posted - 13/02/2024 : 12:25:43
Hi Dominik, if your Redbox has the option to declare tasks (IGC...), did you enable GPS-PDA Link on S7 (under COMM).
brunotl Posted - 12/02/2024 : 14:09:41
your Flarm Redbox have flight recorder option ?

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