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 LK8000 device FTP Server

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ziozanna Posted - 09/11/2023 : 15:43:27
I'm thinking about devices like Android or fixed Kobos on airplanes that require frequent uploads and downloads of files, such as logs, tracks, release updates, or maps. Operating on airplanes with USB cables can sometimes be challenging and may put the integrity of connectors at risk, which are usually Micro-USB or USB-C.

The idea is to equip the device with an FTP server that connects via WIFI to a mobile phone, allowing easy file uploads and downloads. It should be straightforward for ANDROID, but certainly more complex for KOBO, especially considering its dependency on the release since an update overwrites system files as well.

Do you think this is a feasible idea?
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ziozanna Posted - 21/11/2023 : 16:18:03
Thanks, John.

This app is really cool for Condor users.
FTPing to Android is quite straightforward, but it's a bit tricky with KOBO.
I attempted to rectify the boot script to run inetd for telnet and ftpd.
The connection starts, but the service daemon won't launch because it seems that all TCP and UDP ports are busy with the LK8000 executable running.
I ended up messing up KOBO a few times, and then I gave up since I'm not so expert in that territory.

Any help would be appreciated.

JBlyth Posted - 18/11/2023 : 08:49:02
I recently created a Windows app that does this for LK8000/XCSoar for use in the Condor 2 Gliding Simulator using FTP. It is designed for Android/IOs devices that can run a simple FTP server.

It does exactly what you suggest (although with some unwanted extra abilities. I could modify it for you if it doesn't exactly file your needs quite easily.

I don't have time to check at the moment, but it will probably do what you need if you don't fill in the CoTaCO and XCSoar .exe dialogue boxes.

Have a look at it here:-

John in Sunny Carnarvon - Western Australia

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