T O P I C R E V I E W |
UncleTom |
Posted - 13/01/2010 : 12:05:41 Might it be possible to incorporate the flexibility to select and define type and parameters of each waypoint sector in a task separately like in S**Y**?
Tom |
15 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Milton |
Posted - 17/09/2020 : 03:06:42 Friends, just to show de difficulties we are dealing with take a look at the Soaring Spot: https://www.soaringspot.com/en_gb/62-campeonato-brasileiro-de-voo-em-planadores-lem-2020/results Many lovers of the LK8000 are quitting and going back the the Jurassic Se*Y** because of the geniality of our TaskSetter.... please take this into account.
Milton (From Brazil) |
Marco from Hangar 5 |
Posted - 08/08/2016 : 16:00:24 Ok, I feel a bit stupid, but in Baillaeu they seem to use the Dae 0.5/10 sector, somehow I overlooked this option in the task settings. |
Marco from Hangar 5 |
Posted - 08/08/2016 : 01:56:18 Ok adding my two cents...
Like I already indicated in a topic in General support, Baileau is now using weird trunpoints as well, Cylinders combined with huge FAI sectors.. do not ask me why they do this as it seems pointless to me. I checked some IGC files and all just turn at the R0.5Km cylinder!:
I tried to program above task in LK8000 tonight but could not find a way around this. I tried to use a waypoint twice, one programmed as cylinder and one as FAI Sector, but that does not work because LK8000 instantly changes all other waypoints to either being all FAI or all being cylinders, a combination is not possible. Only the start and finish can be different then the in between waypoints, you can have FAI wayponts and define a cylinder as finish.
In AAT mode it would be possible, but calculating the radii of each sector is a brain breaker! Not good when you have limited time to program and even more stressful when they come up with a B-task just minutes before the first take off.
At the other hand, if I would be participating in above competition right now, I would simply use the cylinders only.. of course in the back of my mind I would roughly know where these sectors are and if bad comes to worse, like a low and weak thermal would drift me in a position that the cylinder would make me fly backwards, maybe the sector would come in handy, zoom out and a look on the map would be enough to know if the sector has been hit and manually advance to the next waypoint.
But of course, if the possibility exists to program it into a task in LK8000, that would always be the best solution of course... I see now this has been on the list for about 6 years... is it so complicated?
UncleTom |
Posted - 07/05/2013 : 00:12:48 Phew, three years now. May I kindly ask if there are any current thoughts regarding the glider task system? |
Olivier32 |
Posted - 10/04/2012 : 16:17:26 Many thanks for this,
Olivier |
Coolwind |
Posted - 10/04/2012 : 15:13:59 There is a good documentation made by LX Navigation for their LX Minimap products, that are based on LK8000 , now updated to version 3. You can download their manuals at http://www.lxnavigation.si/avionics/downloads/manuals.html?productid=1118&version=3.0&languageid=1
AAT and many other things are explained there. The software, apart from hardware keys, is identical.
Olivier32 |
Posted - 10/04/2012 : 15:05:06 Hello, I'm a new user of LK8000 (version 3) and i'm still looking for some features. I plan to use LK8000 during competitions and I read here above that there is a option AAT for the tasks. I've been looking for a while on all config pages and trying to find something in the editing optin of the task declaration but I don't find any "AAT". Can you explain me the way to introduce an AAT task in LK8000 (knowing that sectors around the waypoints can be different from one to another).
Olivier |
UncleTom |
Posted - 06/01/2012 : 15:21:47 May I kindly ask when the task system (for gliders) will be revised? It's been on hold for quite a while now. I'm eagerly waiting for those flexible sector types and also for the landing wp in the task list (for safe final glides if the finish wp is not the landing site). |
Coolwind |
Posted - 27/10/2010 : 10:50:59 yes it is.
UncleTom |
Posted - 27/10/2010 : 09:48:26 Just wondered if this issue is still on the road map  |
parapenT1sta |
Posted - 28/07/2010 : 21:36:19 Papasierra...
I didn't know about that! |
Coolwind |
Posted - 28/07/2010 : 17:04:16 It would be so simple for everybody if a task would define a simple rule such as paraglider's do. But gliding world is different, and we have many sectors, cylinders, bisect, and combinations. I'll do my best, but I am also concerned that the day pilots will tell to the organizations that they have enough of their rules changing every year, then even software developers will live better..
papasierra |
Posted - 28/07/2010 : 16:24:13 For UK competitions this is going to be quite crucial. There are now different sector types possible that are non-stardard for other European competitions: http://www.gliding.co.uk/forms/competitionrules2010.pdf (see page 13)
Regards, papasierra
Coolwind |
Posted - 13/07/2010 : 22:53:54 I confirm that after the 1.22 is out (and it is only missing the documentation update) I will be working on the task system which is expected by end of august. Sorry we spent a lot of time on topology (over 1 month) so we are a bit late on this. But at least we do have the best topology now. |
papasierra |
Posted - 23/06/2010 : 11:31:47 Would like to push this topic up again, this is definitely a good feature to have. If we could make the sector definition entry identical to S**Y** then that would make things a lot easier.... |