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 No IGC logger record when using Flarm NMEA data

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
JF Gombault Posted - 30/05/2024 : 16:03:29
I have been using LK8000 for 10 years and I always used to have IGC files stored in the logger directory afetr landing.
However, I tested the recent android version 7.4.5 connected to the flarm through Buetooth and i did not get any IGC files stored after my flight ended. I could see my flight details during the flight in the analyse option, bu no IGC files was generated.
Did I miss something ?
In my config2/3 setup menu 20 Auto logger in ON
Should I start also the logger in the Config 2/3 menu with pressing Logger start ?
What is the NMEA logger ?
I feel frustrated with these change without clear instruction for using it ...

Hopefully I could downlod the IGC file from the flarm, but I was desapointed not having it recorded with the LK8000 software.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
brunotl Posted - 04/06/2024 : 17:13:29
Originally posted by JF Gombault

I have been using LK8000 for 10 years and I always used to have IGC files stored in the logger directory afetr landing.
However, I tested the recent android version 7.4.5 connected to the flarm through Buetooth and i did not get any IGC files stored after my flight ended. I could see my flight details during the flight in the analyse option, bu no IGC files was generated.
Did I miss something ?
In my config2/3 setup menu 20 Auto logger in ON
Should I start also the logger in the Config 2/3 menu with pressing Logger start ?
What is the NMEA logger ?
I feel frustrated with these change without clear instruction for using it ...

Hopefully I could downlod the IGC file from the flarm, but I was desapointed not having it recorded with the LK8000 software.

no way to disable IGC logger, so if takeoff is detected, igc file is created.

to check if samething is wrong with your device, take a look to RUNTIME.log

for remenber, lk8000 files location as changed for compatibility with Android >= 11, so maybe you look at the wrong place ...
andydasmith Posted - 04/06/2024 : 12:12:19
XCSoar v7.42 has the same problem on recent Android phones, icg logging stops after an hour or so and there is no NMEA logging if the phone has the screen switched off (i.e. using the phone as a backup logger)

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