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 New phone, Samsung Galaxy A34

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Marco from Hangar 5 Posted - 03/07/2023 : 16:28:05
Hi Guys,

After the less than perfect experience with my own Google Pixel 7 smartphone, I received a new smartphone from my employer, a Samsung Galaxy A34.

Its bigger than my Pixel 7, 6.6 inch display versus 6.3 inch for the Pixel 7.
Has a very bright display as well, comparable to the Pixel 7 (1000 NITS in auto, with the slider to full bright)
Android 13

But the Galaxy A34 also has a slightly smaller aspect ratio, which make LK8000 look significantly bigger in landscape than on my Pixel 7. The black areas at the side are smaller on the A34.

I will do a flight test coming weekend to see if this one works better and does not drop the wifi connection.

Comparison A34 and Pixel 7 displays to show the size difference (picture taken with my old Nokia 8 :-) )

Comparison A34 with the Nokia 8, just to show the huge size difference, brightness seems to be the same.. but that maybe because the pictures are taken indoors without direct sunshine.:

So maybe this Galaxy A34 is a good candidate to use as LK8000 device.. it is also quite a bit less expensive, in The Netherlands only €294
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
davesalmon Posted - 09/09/2024 : 08:38:20
It may default to charging only with usb. If so you need to go into settings and choose file transfer. The other possibility is that the cable may only be for charging, not fully connected.
Mtbrider Posted - 08/09/2024 : 23:00:14
I am unable to transfer files from my Pc to my Samsung S23 phone.
Using USB cable in transfer file mode, I am able to see the LK8000 folders but unable to paste/move any data to them?
Not had a problem with previous phones.
wrogers Posted - 06/06/2024 : 06:43:09
Samsung A34 5G in SeeYou Navigator refused to connect via bluetooth to my LXNAV S100... neither using the native BT in the S100 or the LXNAV BLE Dongle. Good news... it connects directly to the S100 BT in LK8000.

My plan was to fly with SYN. But, their BLE protocol using their dongle is confused by the Samsung BT stack. So, back to my trusty LK8000. Naviter is creating more problems with their custom BLE dongles than it's worth.

BTW, my old Nokia 8 on Android 9 and my Iphone Pro 13 connected to SYN just fine with the LXNAV BLE dongle.

Ah...!!! May send the phone back if I can't get it sorted in one week.
wrogers Posted - 05/06/2024 : 22:35:18
After several hours of playing with my new Samsung A34: 1) Cannont copy files from internal Download directory to the needed Android/data/org.LK8000.beta (doesn't seem to matter if I use the link to the 'Files' app that Bruno mentioned 2) I am able to connect a USB cable between the Samsung and my Windows 10 desktop PC and copy into any directory I want. 3) Using an OTG short USB-C cable to a flash drive. I am not able to copy files in. The Samsung is on Android 14.

So my LK8000 7.4.5 is fully functional (it seems) and am hoping to fly with it Thu June 6 using SeeYou Navigator. That should work just fine.
Screen brightness seems comparable to Oudie 2 and my old Nokia 8.

Noticed that my troublesome (for running LK8000) Nokia 8.3 doesn't want to connect to my PC top copy files in. So, that smartphone is going in the drawer. It works fine with SYN.
wrogers Posted - 18/05/2024 : 04:39:59

I'm still holding my Nokia 8.3 with Android 12 as a backup to my Nokia 8, but am totally unable to access needed directories to run LK8000. However, it appears to be good for running SeeYou Navigator which has improved a lot over the last year. Noted that NanoConfig from LXNAV also has an impossible time accessing needed directories when connecting via BT to my LXNAV S100.

Looking at a replacement ... Do you recommend the Samsung A34, A34G or Pixel 7... anything else?

I'm afraid the Nokia 8.3 would fail me if I had to begin using it in flight.
Marco from Hangar 5 Posted - 16/02/2024 : 11:51:42
I have Android 14 on my Pixel 7, and also could not get it to work with EX file explorer, like I used to in the past, but with the Files app Bruno provided, I can copy files from the download directory on the phone to the LK8000 directories. Handy for if you have not a laptop with you, like during Competition briefings, when last minute waypoint files are provided or some special airspace file (shit happens, and always causes panic among the pilots)!

Open the "files" App
Tap the "Download" directory
Tap and hold the file you want to copy (green check mark in front of the file)
Tap the three vertical dots in the upper right hand corner and tap "copy to.."
Tap the three horizontal stripes in the upper left hand corner
Tap "LK8000" in the list
Tap the directory you want the file to be copied to.
Tap the "copy" button on the bottom of the screen.


Check if the file is copied by tapping the three horizontal stripes again, and navigate to the LK8000 directory.

Note I have not done anything with app permissions or anything like that. But I know Android might cancel some permissions if an app is not used for a long time, but these should be reinstated if you open the LK8000 app again. So maybe just open LK8000 first (and close it again after a minute or so) before starting to copy files, so it is visible in the 'files'app.

I hope this helps!

wrogers Posted - 02/01/2024 : 05:56:51
Unfortunately, I upgraded my Nokia 8.3 to Android 12 (think it was 10 before). Before upgrading I had all files access to orglk8000.beta files directories for Maps, etc. Now with Android 12, I do not.

Looking at settings for Android 12 under Permission Manager. The lk8000.beta app does not give "All Files Access". It explicitly allows "Access to Media Only". That must be why I can't easily copy in files.

Could this be a manifest regarding Permissions set up in the app? Or is this just an artifact of Android 12?

Originally posted by brunotl

Originally posted by wrogers

Can't get this work on my Nokia 8.3 Android 12. I have so many "Files" apps now, it's easy to lose track.

work on all phone android device i have and also all my friend's devices ( many manufacturer and all Android version from 8 to 14 ... )

but never tested myself a Nokia 8, so maybe this device don't work same as all others ...

davesalmon Posted - 02/01/2024 : 00:26:12
Works OK on Nokia 8, but 8.3 might be different.
brunotl Posted - 01/01/2024 : 18:58:39
Originally posted by wrogers

Can't get this work on my Nokia 8.3 Android 12. I have so many "Files" apps now, it's easy to lose track.

work on all phone android device i have and also all my friend's devices ( many manufacturer and all Android version from 8 to 14 ... )

but never tested myself a Nokia 8, so maybe this device don't work same as all others ...
wrogers Posted - 31/12/2023 : 23:39:29
Can't get this work on my Nokia 8.3 Android 12. I have so many "Files" apps now, it's easy to lose track.

Originally posted by brunotl

to copy files to LK8000 storage you need do use stock AOSP files app, this app exist on all device but can be hidden on some of them.

to add shortcut to this app you can install this :

wrogers Posted - 31/12/2023 : 23:35:44
Yes, that method works for me too. I simplified my notes for doing this: 1) plug in USB cable to laptop/pc 2) Swipe down on Android home screen 3) look for notification that phone is charging. 4) Select notification and "Tap for more options" 5) dialog box comes up 6) select use USB for "File Transfer". With this I have no problem copying in files.

Originally posted by BravoLima

The method I described above works fine. I use a PC/laptop with an USB connection to move the files. If copying fails, disconnect the USB cable and reconnect it again. If anyone knows a better way, I'd love to hear it.

PC/Laptop: WIN10, Samsung S21 FE: Android 14

brunotl Posted - 31/12/2023 : 13:03:39
to copy files to LK8000 storage you need do use stock AOSP files app, this app exist on all device but can be hidden on some of them.

to add shortcut to this app you can install this :
BravoLima Posted - 31/12/2023 : 11:11:21
The method I described above works fine. I use a PC/laptop with an USB connection to move the files. If copying fails, disconnect the USB cable and reconnect it again. If anyone knows a better way, I'd love to hear it.

PC/Laptop: WIN10, Samsung S21 FE: Android 14
wrogers Posted - 31/12/2023 : 07:10:39
BravoLima's reply to copying in files for Maps, Waypoints, airspace, etc using the Files app he mentioned is misleading. I have had enormous problems trying to copy files in. I downloaded his recommended File app and it indeed could allow you to see the file structure. However, Copying in files or using Paste simply would not work. Same proble with a half dozen other Android Files app. From Android 12 on, permissions are very locked down on my Nokia 8.3 Android 12 OS. My ONLY success was to use a PC with USB cable connected to the phone. On the Nokia 8.3 it generated a dialog box asking questions about copying in files and allowing access to all parts of the file system.
Alebu Posted - 21/12/2023 : 11:47:04
Just to say that,
to have .beta folder for the stable releases, and .test folder for the beta releases seems to be misleading to me. But I assume there must be some reason why.

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